Page 26 - br-nov-2020
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November 2020                                                                       November 2020

       How to Claim                                                                                                                     Here   in   Dorset   we   are

                                                                                                                                        experiencing   a   very   mild
       Visit                                                                    autumn,  where  happenings
                                                                                                                                        such as leaf fall is well behind
       The claim e-form will ask people to provide:
                                                                                                                                        the  usual  times.  The  large
            The unique ID number from their NHS Test and Trace notification, details of                                                leaved trees, such as the horse
             employment,                                                                                                                chestnut, or conker tree as we
                                                                                                                                        all  knew  it,  which  played  a
            a recent bank statement, your National Insurance number
                                                                                                                                        very  important  part  in  the
       For residents who may need help completing the form, please call 01305 221000                                                    country  boys’  life  at  this  time
       and a member of Dorset Council’s Customer Services team will attempt to fill the                                                 of year. Playing conkers was a
       form in for them over the phone.                                                                                                 very  important  part  of  our  life
                                                                                                                                        come  the  autumn,  when  with
                                                                                                                                        a meat skewer to make a hole
                                                                                           through  the  mature  conker  and  a  piece  of  string  knotted  at  one  end  and
       OFSTED visit                                                                        threaded  through  the  conker,  we  were  ready  to  compete  with  any  other
         We  have  recently  completed  an  Ofsted  inspection  within  part  of  Children’s   youngster. It was very obvious who the conker kings were because they would
       Services which was very positive. Local Area colleagues from across the council,    have  their  trouser  pockets  bulging  with  conkers  and  string  dangling  down  their
       the  CCG,  schools,  health  providers  and  the  voluntary  sector  came  together  to   side.
       shine  a  light  on  the  experiences  of  children  with  Special  Education  Needs  or   Today, conkers are not allowed because they are considered a safety hazard. In
       Disabilities during this Covid period.  The inspectors recognised that multi-agency   our day even carrying a sharp pointed article, such as a metal meat skewer was
       working has been significantly strengthened this year.  They found that leadership   acceptable because it was a necessity to make a hole through the conker so
       was  clear  and  dynamic,  and  they  praised  practitioners  from  across  services  for   that it could be hung on a string to act as a destroyer of every one else’s conker
       putting children at the heart of all we do. They recognised that our greater focus   You  would  take  it  in  turn  to  hold  your  conker  dangling  on  its  string,  while  your
       on co-production and personalisation has delivered improvements for families. The   opposite number tried to smash yours by swinging his on the end of its string. You
       inspectors praised the recent ‘Summer in Dorset’ as an example of our ambition.     would take it in turns to strike a blow until one of the conkers broke down. If you
       We will share OFSTED’s official letter when we get it.                              won  you  could  go  on  to  another  challenge.  You  then  kept  a  record  of  the
                                                                                           number  of conkers  that  yours  had  destroyed  and  proudly  let  everyone  know if
                                                                                           yours was a oner, twoer ,threer etc. There was one way of ensuring that you had
                                       Green Homes Grant Award
                                                                                           a  winner  and  that  was  by  leaving  your  conker  in  the  oven  of  the  kitchen
                                       We  have  been  successful  with  our  joint  bid   overnight.  This  baked  the  conker  and  hardened  it  to  become  a  champion  of
                                       with BCP Council for additional Green Homes         champions.
                                       Grant funding. The bid was for £859,400.            Now let us get back to today’s world and turn to the leaves of the horse chestnut,
                                       This  money  will  allow  the  Council  to  offer   which  at  this  time  of  year  should  be  browning  off  and  because  of  its  size  and
                                       grants  at  slightly  different  (more  favourable)   weight being one of the first to defoliate. But it isn’t happening this year, nor are
                                       conditions  than  the  national  scheme  which      the other large leaf trees, such as the ash, the sweet chestnut, the sycamore the
                                       will  also  be  available  in  Dorset.    So  for   maple  etc.  are  not  shedding  their  leaves  yet.  However  the  seed  production in
                                       example under the national scheme no gas            these trees seems to be quite prolific.
                                       heating  systems  are  allowed  however  with       Grasses too are having a wonderful autumn, after a very poor early summer. This
                                       our funding we can offer gas central heating        is a godsend to the stock farmers, who had poor hay and silage crops because
                                       if that is the only viable option as long as it is   of  the  very  dry  start  to  the  growing  period.  Now  they  are  going  to  be  able  to
                                       future  proofed  (i.e.  can  be  converted  to      leave their animals out grazing for longer than usual due to the very kind growing
                                       hydrogen or ground source heat pump in the          conditions now. One set of grasses, the cereal crops of wheat, barley, oats, rye
       future).  This  would  be  very  important  in  some  areas  such  as  Weymouth  where

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