Page 24 - br-nov-2020
P. 24

November 2020                                                                       November 2020
                                                                                           “TAKE THESE CHAINS FROM MY HEART AND
       Lack of local ownership over regional and mobile test sites and how they are run
       means  complaints  about  operations  are  not  responded  to.  This  leads  to  local   SET ME FREE”
       residents  losing  confidence  in  the  system,  and  understandably  they  will  then
       direct their anger, fear and frustrations at Local Authorities.
                                                                                           As I stood on the grass mound on a cold grey
       It is apparent that there is a lack of transparency from central Government over    November  day,  distant  memories  came
       the extent of issues with laboratory capacity. Leaders in local authorities are not   flooding  back  of  a  past  long  ago  when  time
       being equipped by your department with honest answers around the timescale          simply stood still. I was on the very spot where
       for improvement and resolution of this problem  - and this just means that public   the  Rock  Park  Open  Air  Baths  stood  until  its
       are losing trust and confidence in the capacity of the system to deliver.           demise in 1974 to make way for the then ultra
                                                                                           modern  North  Devon  Leisure  Centre,  now  a
       Please,  give  us  clear  updates  that  we  can  be  honest  with  the  public  about.
       Saying  defensively  that  more  testing  is  being  added  all  the  time  with  no   rather tired looking 60s style building across the
       explanation of the core issues means we all, collectively, lose credibility with the   River Taw in Barnstaple.
       public,  who  deserve  our  support,  reassurance  and  efficiency  now  more  than   Sadly,  there  is  nothing  here  now  to  mark  the
       ever.                                                                               spot but this was where it all began for me and
       Kind regards                                                                        my love affair with swimming. During my early
                                                                                           youth and into my teens, I would turn up and
       Laura Miller
                                                                                           pay my 4d (four old pence) over the turnstile to
       Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care & Health, Dorset Council
                                                                                           Miss  Gillum  who  sat  behind  the  reception
                                                                                           hatch  in  the  entrance  to  the  pool.  If  I  was

                                                                                           lucky,  I  had  an  extra  penny  for  a  piece  of
       Interested in becoming a
                                                                                           bread pudding cake after my swim.
                                                                                           Having learnt to swim at the age of nine, I was still not involved in any competitive
       The  Coronavirus  (COVID-19)                                                        swimming until one fateful late summer’s day in 1960 when I was among a group
       pandemic  has  had  a  major                                                        of  lads  who  decided  to  challenge  each  other  to  swim  the  most  number  of
       impact on the economy globally,                                                     lengths. I can remember turning for my 60 . length when Bill Muscott, our baths
       nationally  and  in  Dorset.  Relative                                                                               superintendent called over to tell me to get
       to  the  UK,  Dorset  has  a  higher                                                                                 out  as  it  was  getting  dark!  Harold  Vernon
       share of employment, output and                                                                                      happened  to  be  on  poolside  and  came
       businesses  across  the  hardest  hit                                                                                over to suggest that I joined the Barnstaple
       sectors  such  as  tourism  and                                                                                      Swimming  Club  the  following  summer.  It
       leisure. It has been estimated that                                                                                  changed my life forever.
       40%  of  people  in  the  county  may  not  be  able  to  return  to  their  former
       employment due to redundancies or reduced hours and pay. Dorset Council is                                           As  chief  coach  to  the  club,  Harold  was  to
       leading a new recruitment and training campaign for the Dorset adult social care                                     be  my  inspiration  and  mentor  and  I  will
       sector. The aim is to raise awareness of the range of jobs available in this sector,                                 never forget his bubbling enthusiasm for the
       and  ultimately,  recruit  and  retain  new  workers  who  want  to  make  a  long-term                              sport.  He  eventually  managed  to  sort  out
       career in the sector.                                                                                                my  stroke  and  I  soon  became  involved  in
                                                                                                                            Water Polo as most clubs in those days had
       This will help social care providers to recruit more staff which in turn, reduces the                                their own polo team.
       numbers moving between settings and individual’s homes and ultimately, reduces
       the risk of transmission of COVID-19. The funding behind the campaign will also be                                   Every  Tuesday  evening  throughout  the
       used  to  facilitate  access  to  additional  online  training  courses  for  all  providers,                        summer,  we  had  the  excitement  of  a
       enabling a better skilled workforce. To find out more and to register your interest,                                 swimming gala followed by the highlight of

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