Page 28 - br-nov-2020
P. 28

November 2020                                                                       November 2020

       impact of the size of the car park on the surrounding area, the plans were given
       the go ahead.

       Brexit - temporary planning permission for processing lorries
       Sorry to raise the subject but it now has some local implications. Legislation has
       been  approved  in  Parliament  to  grant  temporary  planning  permission  for  land
       to be used for processing lorries entering and leaving Great Britain, this came into
       force on 24 September 2020.  Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and
       Poole are among the 29 local authority areas affected.
       In summary, it grants temporary planning permission for development consisting
       of the use  of land, in specified parts of England, for border processing and the
       associated stationing of vehicles (particularly goods vehicles) entering or leaving
       Great Britain.

       Dorset  is  host  to  Portland  Port  and  neighbouring  authorities  contain  significant
       ports  that  are  easily  accessible.  Consequently,  it  is  possible  that  we  may  see
       proposals come forward. Nevertheless, there remains a large part of the Dorset
       that would not be affected.


       We are not holding face to face meetings now. However, we would be delighted
       to ring and talk to you. Please ring or email us with the subject matter so that we
       can  prepare  ourselves.  Peter’s  email  address  is
       telephone  07986600799  and  Laura’s  is
       telephone 07814 569563.

                         Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck

                                                 Quality Tax and
            KingsBere                               Accounting

           Accountants                     For professional advice, dealing with all
                                                 aspects of accounts and tax

                                           Day and evening appointments available

                 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304


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