Page 10 - br-may-2020
P. 10

May 2020                                                                             May 2020

                                                                                           Our  first  challenge  was  to  comply  with  government  guidance  and  restrict  the
       COVID-19- AFFPUDDLE CHURCHYARD                                                      number of customers going into the shop and PO at any one time and so, with
       MOWING SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER                                                      thanks to the village hall committee, we have been able to establish somewhere
                                                                                           sheltered to “queue” at a safe distance.
                                                                                           The second and biggest challenge was to find stock. Under an old arrangement
                                                                                           we source the stock for the shop primarily from Sainsbury’s but we experienced
       It is with very considerable regret that due to the global COVID-19 pandemic we     the  same  problem  as  you  probably  have  had  in  receiving  deliveries  with  many
       have had to suspend all churchyard mowing until further notice. This is due to the   products missing. Leonora and a few other friends have done a fantastic job in
       risk  of  contamination  while  working  with  church  mowing  equipment  as  well  as   visiting  various  stores  on  multiple  evenings  in  the  week  to  purchase  what  they
       while  attending  to  its  refuelling  and  maintenance.  We  are  following  the  UK   could in order to keep the shop as well-stocked as possible.  We have also now
       Government guidance that everyone should stay at home and go out as little as       secured  a  wider  stock  of  fresh  fruit  and  vegetables  from  the  market  which  has
       possible. People should only leave home if they have a “reasonable excuse”. This    been very well received. We are also very fortunate in that Kevin from Sargents’
       includes:                                                                           Dairy is continuing to deliver in the village and has been able to meet our larger
                                                                                           order. Again, this has avoided many people having to go out to get milk.
            Exercise – alone or with members of your household.
                                                                                           With the schools closed Zak and Theo asked what they could do to help and are
            Shopping for basic necessities.                                               now  delivering  newspapers  daily.  Our  newspaper  order  seems  to  be  increasing
                                                                                           every day!
            Any medical need, or providing care for a vulnerable person.
                                                                                           More  recently  we  have  been  filling  and  delivering  orders  for  shopping  placed
            Travel to or from work, but only when you cannot work from home.
                                                                                           through  the  parish  helpline  so  avoiding  the  need  for  people  to  come  into  the
       Clearly, churchyard mowing does not fall within the above guidelines and this has   shop.
       governed our decision to suspend churchyard mowing for the time being. We will      It has been a difficult time for us all; for those who on a day-to-day basis who had
       of course review the decision in line with government guidelines.
                                                                                           been running the shop in many cases having to step aside and for those taking
       Meanwhile, the churchwardens wish to thank everyone for their forbearance at        over  in  learning  so  many  lessons.  The  new  team  has  been  on  quite  a  learning
       this extremely difficult time. It goes without saying that when the time comes to   curve  and,  inevitably,  we  haven’t  always  got  it  right  but,  bear  with  us,  we  are
       resume churchyard mowing there will be a great deal of work to be done and it       getting  there!  This  is  a  great  parish  to  live  in  and  everyone  has  stepped  up  in
       will be a case of ”all hands to the pumps’ to restore the churchyard to its former   supporting and being supported in this unique time.
       glory. In the meantime keep well and standby!
                                                                                           If you think we may be able to help you can either;
                                               Stephen Sanderson, Churchwarden
                                                                                           Pop  in  and  see  us  –  Monday  to  Saturday  9.00am  to  noon,  Sunday  10.00am  to
                                                                                           noon; or
                                                                                           Ring us during opening hours on 01929 472000; or
                                                                                           e-mail the parish helpline –; or

                                                                                           Ring the parish helpline on 07745 796118
          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
                                                                                           The  Post  Office  is  also  open  5  days  a  week  and  provides  all  your  day-to-day
             their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the                   needs, including cash withdrawals.
             effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more                      I am sure when life returns to ‘normal’ once again – whenever and whatever that
                                                                                           turns out to be - new friendships and relationships will continue.
                                advertising revenue!!
                                                                                                                                                          Ali Chorley

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