Page 10 - br-may2019
P. 10

May 2019                                                                             May 2019

              Bere Regis Junior Church                                                      BLADEN SOCIAL CLUB

                                                                                           Quite  a  short  piece  this
                                                                                           month to let readers of this
                                                                                           magazine      know    of
                                                   The Pet                                 forthcoming   events   to
                                                                                           whi c h
                                                                                                     ever yone
                                                                                                                  i s
                                                    Service                                Saturday 25  May - A Curry
                                                                                           Night will take place in the
                                                                                           clubhouse,  probably  with
                                                                                           some entertainment.
                                                                                           Saturday 8  June - The Big
                                                                                           Screen  Quiz  in  the  Village
                                                                                           Hall.    This  event  has  taken
                                                                                           place for the last two years and now has quite a following, being so different to a
                                                                                           regular pub quiz, so be sure to book a table.
                                                                                           Tickets for these events are available from the Social Club and for the Curry Night
                                                                                           also from Stuart on 07818 078191.
                                                                                           On the 25  May between 10am and midday there will also be a Coffee Morning
                                                                                           to  raise  funds  towards  the  cost  of  running  the  Annual  Bladen  Social  Club
                                                                                           Horticultural Show which takes place on Saturday the 3  August
                                                                                           Details of future events will be found in this magazine and on Parish notice boards
                                                                                           as soon as details are finalised.
                                                                                                                                              Peter Talbot , Secretary

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