Page 12 - br-may2019
P. 12

May 2019                                                                             May 2019
       SERVICES IN ST LAURENCE’S FROM MAY                                                  DOGGY  DOOS!!

                                                                                            We  love  our  dogs  in
                                                                                           Briantspuddle — yes we do!
       Since the retirement of Rev. Canon Charles Masheder, Rev. Carol Langford, Rector    But  recently  their  deposits
       of our new West Purbeck Benefice has done an amazing job, with the help of          have  been  left  by  the  side
       many other  clergy and lay people, in retaining the timing and format of our        of  the  road  ---  many  by
       services. However, it is understandably not possible to continue this level of cover   large  dogs!      Their  owners
       into the summer. The timing and format of some of our services at St Laurence’s will   walk  on  as  though  nothing
       therefore be changing as from the beginning of May.                                 has  happened  ---can  you
                                                                                           believe it?    The village has
       The services will be as follows:
                                                                                           many  visitors  who  obviously
       1  Sunday – 10am Parish Communion                                                   do not think the village is a
                                                                                           'pretty village'  at all  when
       2  Sunday – 10am Mattins (no Communion)                                             they see dog mess everywhere.
       3  Sunday – 8am Holy Communion
                                                                                           Remember Open Gardens day is coming soon and we want the village to be
       4  Sunday – 10am Parish Communion                                                   beautiful!      Right  now  the  careful  dog  owners  are  left  to  pick  up  the    mess  of
                                                                                           others which is not fair  —  is it?
       This order of services will remain in place until a new Associate Priest is appointed
       to Bere Regis and Affpuddle with Tunerspuddle.                                      So PLEASE pick up what your dog does.
       We realise this is going to be difficult for some of you but please bear with us. If the
       service you want is not at St Laurence’s it may well be available at St John’s, Bere
       Regis or Holy Rood, Wool.
                           Elizabeth Whatley and Stephen Sanderson,  Churchwardens.


       As many of you know, Ivor took a heavy fall last November and this coupled with
       other ailments makes it difficult for him to generally get around.

       So, after sixty five years of playing the organ at Affpuddle Church  , he feels that
       now is the time to hand over the baton. He does so, with great reluctance and
       sadness as it has been such an important part of his life, but reality has to come to
       the forefront in making this decision.
       Ivor  has  now  moved  to  Mile  Oak  Rest  Home,  Wimborne  where  he has  recently
       celebrated his 89  birthday. He thanks you all for your words of encouragement
       and cards.
       Affpuddle Church is such a very important part of his life; a church in which he
       was married, and his wife Sylvia is laid to rest. It evokes memories that can never
       be taken away from him.
       Thank you

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