Page 81 - BR-May-2018
P. 81

May 2018                              May 2018
       help themselves.  However, also included was a record form for residents to keep
    band of ringers in 1969 and in his turn   a log of their broadband speeds.  The intention was both to provide the evidence
 has taught rope-handling, ringing up,   needed  to  lobby  BT  Openreach  to  improve  their  current  offering  as  well  as
 ringing  down  and  the  art  of  call   persuading  them  to  bring  forward  their  plans  for  Superfast  Broadband  in  the
 change  ringing  to  many  dozens  of   Village.    Armed  with  this  information  as  well  as  his  considerable  tenacity  and
 young people and adults. He was of   powers of persuasion, these objectives were achieved.
 course  a  brilliant  musician  and
 sometimes  disappeared  early  from   In  selecting  these  examples  of  the  contributions  Campbell  has  made  to  our
 ringing  to  lead  the  congregation   Community, I am particularly struck by the theme that links them.  Throughout his
 with  his  violin  whenever  the  organist   service to the Community Campbell has predominately looked to the future.  In
 was not around.”   doing this he has sought to engage with as many Parishioners as possible; public
       consultation and listening to feedback have been the foundation of what he has
 Three years ago, we gathered in the   sought to deliver and the recommendations he has made.
 church  to  celebrate  John’s  80 th
 birthday.    It  was  a  wonderful   In nominating Campbell as our Volunteer of the Year, we want to recognise and
 occasion  and  a  great  tribute  to  a   thank him for his efforts during this year and the many that have gone before.
 man  who  inspired  us  all.  John  was
 able to have his very first ring of ‘Bob   On behalf of our whole Community, Campbell, thank you and well done!”
 Doubles’ on the tenor, the sixth and
 heaviest bell. A magnificent birthday   Parish Litter Pick
 cake  was  produced,  and  the  60
 ringers  and  guests  enjoyed  a   A  lively  group  of  21  willing  volunteers
 memorable evening. However, what   came  out  in  force  once  again  to  help
 struck  me  most  was  the  love  and   with  the  Affpuddle  and  Turnerspuddle
 affection that everyone had for John. He had been such an inspiring and indelible   Parish  Litter Pick.  Once a biennial event,
 influence on all our lives.   due  to  the  ever-increasing  amounts  of
       litter,  this  has  now  become  an  annual
 It was only at the New Year that Diana and I shared a supper together with John
 and Mary. We would get together every year at this time either at our house or   task.
 theirs, a tradition which lasted over 40 years. John had cooked the meal and was   Amongst  the  mountain  of  plastic  and
 in great form with his usual zest for life. He was looking forward to the coming year   general  debris,  discarded  items  included
 with such enthusiasm that it is difficult to believe he will no longer be with us.    tyres, builders rubbish, sofa cushions, toilets
       and even a car door.
 We  shall  miss  our  dear  friend  John,  his  wit,  his  wisdom,  his  huge  sense  of  fun.
 Spending  time  with  him  was  always  a  rewarding  experience.  We  are  deeply   A  very  big  thank  you  to  all  those  who
 saddened by the loss of a dear old friend.   turned  up  over  the  weekend  of  7 -8
       April.  Councillors are also very conscious
 Bob Holman
       that  many Parishioners spend time picking up litter as they walk the Parish  on a
       regular basis, as well as reporting fly tipping to the Council, this wider contribution
       is also very much appreciated.
       The  Litter  Pick,  together  with  ongoing  efforts,  should  stand  the  parish  in  good
       stead,  for  this  year’s  entry  to  the  Best  Kept  Village  Competition.    Last  year  the
       Parish Council was delighted to learn that Briantspuddle had received a special
       award, as part of the competition, from Purbeck District Council.  The award was
       entitled “Best Kept Village in Purbeck 2017”.

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