Page 85 - BR-May-2018
P. 85

May 2018                              May 2018

 FROM THE REGISTERS   There has been a short delay to the repair work to the Briantspuddle kiosk.  A tree
       stump  next  to  the  box  needs  to  be  removed  in  order  to  prevent  structural
       damage occurring over time.  This work is planned and the necessary restoration
 Funerals   work will then take place.
       A group of Parishioners have been working, on behalf of the Council, to come up
 At St John the Baptist Church   with  proposals  to  convert  the  Briantpuddle  phone  box  into  a  mini  information
       centre.    At  the  April  meeting  these  plans  were  approved  along  with  an
 On 3  April – John Chamberlain England
       accompanying budget.
 On 10  April – Barbara Vera Griffin
 On 12  April – Anthony (‘Tony’) Frederick Shave   Councillor Contact Details

       Nick Gore (Chair)     01305 848130
 Burial of ashes   Sue Jones (Vice-Chair)   01929 471375
       Charles Barter        01929 463663
 At Bere Regis Churchyard   Trevor Poole      07966 499252
       Sarah Lowman          07796 221568
 On 4  April – John England
       Jonathan Haigh        01929 471768
       Mike Menzies          01929 471263
 CAN YOU SING?   Lizzie Guinn      01305 848916   lizzieguinn@hotmail,com
       Lindsay Hole          07887 782005
       (parish clerk)
 The  church  choir  is  getting  a
 bit  depleted  and  we  would
 welcome new members. Men
 would  sing  tenor  or  bass  and
 ladies who couldn't reach the
 higher  notes  would  sing  alto.
 We  practice  in  church  on
 alternate Friday evenings.
 For  more  details,  phone  our
 choir  master,  Paul  Martin  on
 01929 289323 or speak to any
 choir  member.  If  you  can't
 read music, Paul will help you
 and so will other members of the choir. It's not that difficult!
 Of course it is a commitment but none of us can manage every service or every
 practice. We look forward to seeing you.
 Brenda Pitfield 471391

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