Page 80 - BR-May-2018
P. 80

May 2018                                                                             May 2018

       In 2002, as a Parish Councillor, Campbell headed a Steering Group, with a brief
       to put together a Parish Plan.  The process to bring this plan to fruition included
       extensive  involvement  and  consultation  with  the  community.  The  result  of  700
       hours  of  local  voluntary  effort  was  a  wide-ranging  document  covering  local
       concerns such as housing, community facilities and conservation issues.  By 2004
       the  plan  had  been  adopted  by  both  the  Parish  Council  and  Purbeck  District
       Council  as  a  Community  Policy  on  future  developments,  with  the  express
       intention of being used to assist with local authority decision making at all levels.
       Thanks to this forward-thinking approach, when putting this document together,
       the plan remains relevant to the Parish Council today.
       As part of the consultation with residents in developing the Parish Plan it became
       clear  that  there  was  an  appetite  in  the  Parish  for  a  community  website.
       Campbell was pivotal in bringing this wish to fruition.  The aim of the website was
       to  provide  information  to  both  residents  and  visitors  alike  on  the  facilities  and
       activities  within  the  Parish.    Campbell  is  still  the  editor  of  the  website  and  it
       remains a wonderful window into the life of our rural parish and a focus for the
       entire community.  Whilst the site remains entirely relevant, Campbell has once
       again  seized  the  initiative  and  is  currently  engaged  in  bringing  the  site  up  to
       date, in so far as its underlying technology is concerned, as well as updating it for
       the new Data Protection legislation.
       Campbell’s ability to research complex issues and relate them to the challenges
       faced by our community has meant that he has been approached by others to
       assist with issues and projects from time to  time.  In 2015 he was asked by  the
       Village Hall Committee to review the administrative arrangements for running the
       Village  Hall  Trust  within  Charity  Commission  requirements  as  the  law  had
       significantly updated since its originating documents of 1983.  Following research
       and  public  consultation,  in  2016  a  preferred  way  forward  was  identified  and
       Campbell was able to present a draft of the recommended Constitution of the
       Briantspuddle Village Hall as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation based on
       the recommended Charities Commission “Foundation” Model.

       In 2012 Campbell decided to take the bull by the horns on behalf of the whole
       community.    Residents  were  reporting  very  low  and  variable  Broadband
       capacity and he decided enough was enough.  Campbell spearheaded a Self-
       Help campaign with two elements.  The first to make sure that Parishioners’ house
       installation  was  as  good  as  it  could  be  and  the  second  was  to  report  poor
       performance  to  the  Internet  Provider.    Regarding  the  first,  Campbell  offered
       information  on  the  community  website,  including  diagrams  and  pictures,  but
       inevitably  residents  contacted  him  for  additional  support  and  expertise.    In
       response  he  spent  many  hours  seeking  to  improve  individual  installations  and
       offering guidance.
       A leaflet drop increased awareness of the issue and what individuals could do to

       Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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