Page 84 - BR-May-2018
P. 84

May 2018                                                                             May 2018
            Purbeck Film Festival 2018
                                                                                            JOHN ENGLAND
            Dorset Youth Association
                                                                                            TOWER CAPTAIN OF THE BERE REGIS BELL-RINGERS
       For more information, or to receive paper copies of the Policy and  Application
       Form, contact the Parish Clerk at or 07887 782005.

                                                                                            John  and  Mary  are  our
       Briantspuddle Community Website                                                      oldest Dorset friends and we
                                                                                            go back almost 50 years. As
       The Parish Website born out of the Parish Plan was set up in 2004.  Since this time   next-door  neighbours  and
       Morning Data have very generously looked after the site free of charge on behalf     good  friends,  our  children
       of the Parish Council.  After 14 years the technology is now out of date, so for their   grew  up  together  on  South
       own server security reasons and also because the expertise to maintain the old       Mead in the 1970s.
       bespoke site is rapidly fading, it’s now time to move on.
                                                                                            There are many things I can
       The Parish Council is advised that practically all the functionality of the site, which   say about John: his kindness,
       was  built  ahead  of  its  time,  is  now  available  off-the-shelf  in  relatively  easy  to   his  generosity  of  spirit,  his
       customise templates.  This will make the website easier to manage and to use but     thoughtfulness,  his  devotion
       will require the Parish Council to manage and take on the cost of transfer and       to  the  service  of  others.  I            John & the Band after ringing for the birth
       hosting the site on a commercial server.                                             could go on. He was what I                      of Prince George July 2013
       Campbell de Burgh has offered to manage the necessary site replacement work
       as  a  project  on  behalf  of  the  Parish  Council.    A  budget  to  fund  this  work  was                                     would  call  a  true  Christian
       agreed at the April Parish Council Meeting and work will begin immediately.  An                                                   gentleman   and   I   never
       ongoing running costs will be factored into future expenditure budgets.
                                                                                                                                         heard  him  utter  an  unkind
                                                                                                                                         word about anyone.
       Fingerpost Project - Update                                                                                                       In  many  ways,  John  got  me
                                                                                                                                         involved   in   volunteering
       The  Crossroads  Fingerpost  is  due  to  erected  towards  the  end  of  April  with  the
       Throop Heath one being in place by the end of May.  The Crossroads Fingerpost                                                     when  he  was  chairman  of
                                                                                                                                         the  school’s  PTA.  Under  his
       has been largely funded through a Grant awarded by Viridor.  Councillors would                                                    influence   I   became   its
       like  to  thank  Viridor for  this  contribution  to  our community.    Third  party  funding,                                    secretary  and  we  ran  a  few
       towards  the  cost  of  the  project  is  a  condition  of  the  Viridor  Grant  Policy,  this
                                                                                                       John England, far right, with members of the Bere   village carnivals together. On
       element of funding has been very kindly donated by a local resident who wishes
                                                                                                       Regis Band, all of whom rang in his funeral salute.   one notorious occasion John
       to remain anonymous.
                                                                                                                                         dressed  up  as  a  mum  and
                                                                                                                                         with  a  pram  pushed  me,

                                                                                            dressed in not much more than a bath towel “nappy” and a frilly bonnet, around
       Telephone Kiosks Project -
                                                                                            the village and into the Royal Oak to get donations for the carnival. The grumpy
       Update                                                                               old landlord of the time sent us packing with a flea in our ears, but it was great
       Repair  of  the  Affpuddle  telephone  box  is                                       fun!  John  always  seemed  to  have  that  ability  to  get  you  involved  and  I  often
       almost  complete.    Grant  funding  to  install                                     ended up thinking it was my idea in the first place!
       the  defibrillator  has  been  received  and                                         John had so many talents: accomplished musician, a great wit, a raconteur and
       work will go ahead as soon as possible.  The                                         he had a huge knowledge on a whole range of subjects. In a modest sort of way,
       Parish Council would like to thank a resident                                        he was brilliant at everything he touched. However, my abiding memory of him
       for bringing this project to fruition on behalf                                      and I feel his biggest legacy will be his kindness and thoughtfulness shown to so
       of the council.                                                                      many people in Bere Regis.

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