Page 83 - BR-May-2018
P. 83

May 2018                              May 2018
 Many  of  John’s  ringing
    friends   have   special

 Adrian  Standfield,  who
 now   shoulders   the
 mantle   of    Tower
 Captain,  said:    “John
 was our real strong link to
 the  Church,  making  sure
 John England, left, at his 80th Birthday in 2015, being presented with an
 original turning block from the 1919 bell-frame into which a barometer   that  we  ringers  knew
 had been inserted. Bob Holman & Jon Cleave are the other two ringers   what  was  going  on  in
 making the presentation.   terms   of   services,
 weddings  and  events,
 and  that  we  were  very
 much a part of the community. This was something we all appreciated and not
 something that happens everywhere by any means. John worked constantly to
 make it happen.
 He  was  not  a  fan  of  complicated  ringing  methods,  but  he  was  absolutely
 dedicated  to  having  a  band  of  ringers  who  could  strike  the  bells  harmoniously
 and continue the tradition of ringing in Bere Regis which he knew from his historic
 research, has gone on for centuries. His recruitments, inspiration and training have
 ensured that this tradition continues.”
 Jenny  Clifford  said:  “John  was  probably  one  of  the  most  sympathetic  and
 undemanding tower captains and ringing teachers.”
 Felicity  Masheder  wholeheartedly  agreed:  “John  had  a  lovely  sense  of  humour
 and always spoke with such knowledge about the history of the bell tower (as well
 as the church generally). He was always interesting to listen to and a wonderful
 friend to spend time with.”
 Liz  Webb  said:  “I  may  have
 only been here 5 years, but
 John  made  it  possible  for
 me  to  feel  a  welcome
 addition  to  the  bell  ringers
 and   the   village.   He
 embraced newcomers, and
 this  doesn’t  happen  in  all
 communities.  I  will  always
 be grateful to him.”
 Jon  Cleave  has  many  fond
 memories:  “John  has  been
 the  mainstay  of  our  ringing   John England about to cut his cake at the 80th Birthday party in the
 Bere Regis Church in 2015
 group for more years than I

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