Page 77 - BR-May-2018
P. 77

May 2018                              May 2018

 Scout Hut.
    Played  violin  with  Bere  Regis  Players  –  Elizabeth  Booth,  Trudi
 Comben,  Carolyn  England?    Played  violin  in  an  amateur  orchestra  in   VILLAGE HALL NEWS
 Poole for the Arts Center
    Allotment holder until recently.  Grew all the family vegetables.   Village Hall AGM, Notice of Meeting
    Keen Gardener and was a member of Bere Regis Gardening Club
       The  Annual  General  Meeting  of  the  Hall
       Committee will be held in the Hall on Wednesday
 Following Retirement   16  May at 7.30 pm. An agenda will be posted in
    Worked at the Post Office   t h e    n o t i c e    b o a r d    b e f o r e h a n d .
       Coffee,  tea  and  biscuits  will  be  served  from  7.00
    Attended  Salt  and  Pepper  lunches,  Autumn  leaves,  Helped  out  at   pm.
 Golden Circle.

    Well, Well, Well author
       Hall ‘Activity’ Sessions
    Bere Regis historian
    Gave Brownsea tours, expert in bird watching there   On  a  Monday  morning,  we  already  host  2  sessions  of  Pilates  with  Claire,  an
       extremely  good  and  experienced  instructor.  On  a  Thursday  morning  there  is  a
    Gave talks on Holton Heath History
       Keep Fit class which caters for any specialist needs you may have, this is run by
    Gave  talks  on  his  fathers’  experiences  in  the  first  world  war  –  “In  the   Elaine,  again  a  very  experienced  and  competent  instructor.  (See  the  Notice
 footsteps of George”   Board in Briantspuddle for details). Both instructors are always pleased to welcome
    Gave talks about Guernsey to various groups.   We had visited Guernsey   any  new  students  to  their
 on  holiday  every  summer  from  1977  onwards  so  had  acquired  a  lot  of      classes.  However  as  mentioned
                                                  previously we are hoping to add
 photographs and knowledge about the island.
                                                  Tai  Chi  to  the  list  of  ‘life
                                                  enhancing’  classes  offered  in
 Stories                                          the  Hall.  We  now  have  a  list  of
 I will mention a few notable stories of John.  First, how he got his name ‘Pappy’   interested  people  but  would
 from his Grandchildren.                          dearly  like  to  see  some  new
                                                  faces  attending  these  types  of
 When Erin, his first grandchild was born, Carolyn and Mike asked him what he   sessions.  If  you  are  out  at  work
 wanted to be called by his Grandchildren.  “Grandpa’, he replied and so it was   during the day but would like to
 until he first arrived in San Diego and met Erin.  Erin’s favorite tv show was ‘Roly   try  a  class  please  let  us  know
 poly olie’ and the  maternal grandfather in that show   and we’ll see what we can do.
 was called ‘Pappy’.   We explained to Erin that when   Ring Jenny on 01929471498.
 Dad  visited  that  he  was  like  Pappy.    Erin  called  him
 Pappy from then on and he stayed Pappy up to the
 end!    In  the  TV  Show  he  was  described  as  ‘Happy   Village Hall Lunch
 Pappy, warm and wise’ which is very apt.
       The lunch on May 10  will be ham and lentil soup followed by bakewell tart and
 He  experienced  WW2  and  had  to  go  to  a  Morrison   custard.  As  usual,  see  the  list in  the  (by  then  newly  refurbished)  shop  to  register
 steel shelter in the front room during air raids.  A bomb   your name, or phone Jenny on 01929 471498.
 fell at the bottom of the family garden sucking out the

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