Page 78 - BR-May-2018
P. 78

May 2018                                                                             May 2018
        The winner of the £30.00 prize for March was ticket no. 42.

                                                                                                      became  his  wife.    He  also  met  Mary’s  friends  Anne  and  Lesley  and
        Trustees                                                                                      Lesley’s fiancé Ray.  Ray and John hit it off immediately when they
                                                                                             met,  and  Anne,  Lesley  and  Ray  and  their  children  remained  lifelong  close
        As noted last month we have a new booking Secretary now co-opted onto the            friends.  During this time, John also played for the Newport Hockey club.  During
        Committee, I can also report that another member of the community has come           a tournament in Dorset another player hit him in lip with his stick giving him a
        forward and agreed to join the burgeoning ranks of committee members. More           scar that would remain for the rest of his life.
        on this at the AGM.
                                                                                             In 1964 his daughter Carolyn was born.  In 1966 he returned to the  Admiralty

                                                                                             Materials  Laboratory,  Holton  Heath  where  he  moved  with  his  wife  and  small
        Finally                                                                              daughter temporarily to an Admiralty council house in Wyke Regis, Weymouth
                                                                                             and in February 1967 to his bungalow in Bere Regis.  His son Andrew was born
        On the 9  of April a wake was held in the Hall. This is not usually something that   shortly after moving there.
        would  be  commented  on  here.  However  Mrs  Kay  Jones  had  lived  in
        Briantspuddle for 57 years after she and her husband Ron built their bungalow.       He continued to work there for the next 29 years until his retirement. He became
        Their family was brought up here and both she and Ron played a part from the         involved  socially  with  the  AML  Social  Club  and  Gardening  Club  –  helping  to
        beginning of their lives here in fostering the community spirit that is an essential   organize dances initially and then Children’s Christmas parties.
        part  of  this  place.  Kay  was  good  natured,  kind,  encouraging  and  considerate
        whilst  quietly  supporting  everything  she  could.  This  was  very  obvious  from  the   The site history of Holton Heath became one of his interests and with the scale
        number of people who came to pay their respects. We will all miss her.               model of the RNCF site made in 1942 a centerpiece.  In 1994, 50 years after D
                                                                                             Day a lot of interest was shown of activities in the local area during WW2 and
                                                                                             permission was granted to offer guided tours for the public round the site and
                                                                                             sets  of  slides  were  made  to  record  the  site  history  for  presentations  to  local
                                                                                             groups  and  societies.  John  was  a  major  player  in  recording  the  history  and
       BRIANTSPUDDLE POST OFFICE AND SHOP                                                    providing guided tours and talks.  He even was featured on South Today on a
                                                                                             program they did on the Holton Heath site.
       Following refurbishment we plan to re-open the PO and Shop on Monday 30 April
       at 9am. We are very pleased with the results and hope that you will be too! We        On moving to Bere Regis he soon became involved with the church and many
       now  have  a  new  floor  and  lighting,  a  new  fridge  and  the  reconfiguration  has   local activities and groups.  During his time here, he has worn many hats:
       allowed  more  shelving  so  we  shall  be  able  to  provide  a  greater  selection  of      Captain of the Bell Tower, instrumental in refitting the bells in the tower.
       goodies.                                                                                   Raised money for the Church Roof repairs.
       The normal opening hours are:                                                              Provided the games for the church garden party for many years.
       Shop: Monday –Saturday  9am – noon;  Sunday: – noon.                                Church warden
                                                                                                  Played for South Mead football team!  Did not
       Post Office: Monday – Friday 9am – noon.
                                                                                                   know this.
       The  Post  Office  provides  all  the  usual  PO  services  (other  than  car  tax)  such  as      Chairman of PTA at Bere Regis School
       postal services, foreign currency and the facility to pay bills and draw cash. The
       Shop has an agreement with Sainsbury’s which allows us to sell Sainsbury’s ‘own            Organized Bere Regis Carnival for a number of
       brand’ goods at a very small mark-up. We also hold a small selection of meat and            years
       other essentials such as fruit and vegetables, bread, milk, frozen food, stationery        Choir member
       and  bird  food,  so  even  your  feathered  friends  are  catered  for.  You  can  order      Gave church tours
       newspapers  and  magazines  to  collect  from  the  Shop  and  we  have  a  good
                                                                                                  Chairman  of  Scouts  Committee.    Helped  build

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