Page 73 - BR-May-2018
P. 73

May 2018                              May 2018


 Tony  is  a  rare  asset  to  Bere  Regis.  He  is  someone  who  will  always
 volunteer, not for the most glamorous or noteworthy of jobs, but for
 the  behind  the  scenes,  low  profile,  but  vital  jobs  that  many  people  wouldn’t
 even  consider.  If  there  is  an  event  in  our  community,  you  can  pretty  much
 guarantee  that  somewhere  in  the  background  you  will  find  Tony  cheerfully
 helping out.
 At  that  point  in  2014,  for  17  years  Tony  had  been  a  volunteer  for  the  Pop  in
 Place, Bere Regis’s Community Group, helping out in all manner of ways, and
 bringing fresh fruit and vegetables from Wareham market for sale on a Friday
 morning.  To  do  this,  Tony  buys  with  his  own  money  and  sells  on,  never  quite
 knowing if he will actually cover his own costs or not. We suspect he frequently
 operates at a loss at his own expense.

 He  is  a  member  of  the  team  that  runs  our  village  hall.  He  is  the  first  person
 everyone  turns  to  run  the  car  parking  for  any  event,  be  it  the  School  Bonfire
 night or Summer Fayre, or for the Jubilee celebrations last year. Tony supports
 the  Sports  Club  by  acting  as  scorer  for  cricket  home  matches.  He  has  even
 been known to act as unofficial traffic policeman on Rye Hill when everything
 has ground to a halt when the children are coming out of school.
 He is also the unofficial, unpaid and totally voluntary ‘caretaker’ and warden
 for his neighbours where he lives, getting older folk to doctors’ appointments, or
 to the shops and checking up on people when they are unwell. He organises
 an annual Christmas Dinner for the farming community of the parish.
 He is a source of country lore and, on his side of the parish he knows where to
 find  all  the  'Gramfer  Grigglesticks'    (Early  Purple  Orchids)  &  Cutty's  (Dorset
 Wrens). All round the village he is the person who knows if a tree is down and
 needs clearing, or if a gate or fence needs mending, and he’ll draw it to the
 attention of whoever is responsible for sorting it out, if he hasn’t already done
 the job himself.
 And he has a prodigious appetite for cake, preferably home-made!

 Unassuming,  reliable,  modest,  never  seeking  the
 limelight, Tony is the embodiment of the true volunteer.   Small load  £80    Large load £175
 I know that his nomination as Purbeck Volunteer of the
 Year  will  completely  surprise  Tony,  but  delight  many
 people in Bere Regis who know just how much he does
 for the parish.
 Alison  Bennett  adds  these  further  thoughts;  most

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