Page 74 - BR-May-2018
P. 74

May 2018                                                                             May 2018
        Last  month we  met a lively and interesting lady  –
        who very kindly stepped in at the last minute when                                            dawn to milk the cows, I had to help with this before I went to School,
        our speaker had to cancel. The Honourable Della                                               then when I came back from school I would be helping again taking
        Jones,  MBE,  a  patron  for  Cancer  Research,                                      the heavy buckets of milk from the cow sheds where they were all milked by
        entertained  us  with  anecdotes  and  poems  –                                      hand and into the Diary.
        dressed accordingly! (“When I Grow Old I’ll Wear Purple”) In addition Mrs Jones
        gave us an insight into the research at the new unit in Southampton, reassuring us   I reckon I was about eight years old, and looking back the times were hard and
        that all monies raised are being put to good use.                                    I got very tired, but I can’t imagine it any other way, as we knew no different.
                                                                                             We had outside toilets they were simply a hole in a bench seat with a bucket
        Plans  for  our  100   Birthday  Celebration in  August  are  well under  way,  when  we
        hope as many of the villagers will join us.                                          underneath, we had to go out to use them in all weathers and then they would
                                                                                             have  to  be  emptied.  I  remember  we  had  a  really  good  crop  of  tomatoes
        At our next meeting on Wednesday, 16  May, Mr. Andrew McElwee is giving a talk       where we used to empty our bucket!
        entitled “Behind the Scenes of the National Trust”.
                                                                                             Moving  forward  a  bit I remember  the  haymaking  and  Bale cart in  the 1970’s
                                                  If you would like to hear this talk        when  we  would  have  about  forty  acres  to  harvest,  we  had  help  from  the
                                                  or any others on our programme             village lads Steve Cox, Lawrence Legg, Chris Hopkins, Paul Bennett to name just
                                                  you will be very welcome.                  a few there was also help from the neighbouring farm hands Geoff Gale and
                                                                                             Doug Curtis from Debenhams. Then we would go back to the Debenhams Farm
                                                  If  you  would  like  any  further         and return the favour helping with their harvesting.
                                                  information about the  WI please
                                                  contact:                                   The bales were the small ones and we hand hauled them stacking them high
                                                                                             on trailers, just leaving us room to sit up on top the load to ride back to the farm
                                                  Eileen Salisbury on 01929 4720223          to unload it all into the barns. It was hot and thirsty work and we would reward
                                                  or Dian Pitts on 01929 471322
                                                                                             ourselves with some cold milk straight from the bulk tank,
                                                                                             Happy Memories of a time gone by but at least with books like this it has been
                                                                                             recorded and can be remembered.
                                                                                             In  2014,  Tony  Shave  was  nominated  by  the  Parish  Council  for  the  Purbeck
                                                                                             Volunteer of the Year Award. This is the citation that was read out at the Award
                                                                                             Tony  was  born  and  has  lived  all  his  life  in  and  around  Bere  Regis.  Part  of  a
                                                                                             farming family, he has spent all his working life on farms in this area.
                                                                                             Tony  was  born  with  a  form  of  skin  cancer  which  has
                                                                                             necessitated  regular  bouts  of  hospital  treatment  and
                                                                                             surgery. No-one can ever remember Tony complaining
                                                                                             about  this. Indeed he is  a most  positive  and cheerful
                                                                                             person,  despite  his  medical  problems.  Despite  his
                                                                                             constant  pain  and  discomfort,  he  is  a  person  who
                                                                                             constantly brings good cheer and warmth to everyone
                                                                                             he meets.

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