Page 16 - BR March 2024 - converted
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March 2024                                                                          March 2024
       BERE HEATH METHODIST                                                                spending the evenings or during the day if it was raining. In those days “Conkers”
       CHAPEL                                                                              was a game we spent many hours at the end of  August playing.  We collected
                                                                                           the  ripe  conkers  left  them  in  a  warm  sunny  spot  to  harden,  then  with  a  meat
                                                                                           skewer,  of  which  there  were  many  available  in  those days,  we  would  pierce  a
       We are in the season  of  Lent. We hope  that anything you                          hole as neatly as possible through the centre of the nut. Then we would pass a
       are doing as extra  to what you normally do is good well  or                        string through the hole and tie a knot at one end, which had to be bigger than
       it may be that you have given something up for Lent that                            the  hole  and  the  remaining  string  was  at  least  a  foot  long.  We  would  then
       you like to eat (chocolate is one of things that I am trying                        compete  in  pairs  taking  it  in  turns  attempting  to  break  the  opposing  person’s
       not to eat  during the week )
                                                                                           conker by swinging your conker at his which he had hanging to his side. You then
       Here what’s on in March at Bere Heath  Chapel .                                     counted the number of times your conker had smashed other peoples before it
                                                                                           came  to  its  own  demise.  So  you  had  a  twoer,  threer.  fourer  or  as  many  you
       Sunday  3   March    -      Service  with  be  Led  by  Rev  Peter  Clark  who  is  a  United   succeeded  in  breaking  depending  on  the  hardness  of  weapon.  There  were  all
       Reformed  retired  Minister  in  our  Circuit  .  Service  is  at  2pm  and  tea/Coffee  &   sorts of “unfair” activities, such as putting your conker in the oven and roasting it,
       Biscuits served after the service. All welcome.                                     soaking it in vinegar or simply just making sure you could leave in the hot sunshine.
       Lent Lunch – Tuesday 19  March - 12 noon to 1-15pm  -  Varity of  Homemade          Gosh, I have been sidelined and am now I must get back to writing. The past has
       soup’s  with nice bread , Tea & Coffee. Donations for the work of Christian Aid will   caught  up  with  me  and  I was  only  in  my  early  teens  then.  Now  I  am  going  to
       be  gratefully  received.  Easter  Cards  will  also  be  on  sale.  Do  come  along  and   move on to my late teens, when I had moved with my parents from the Buriton
       support this worthy cause.                                                          and Petersfield to Blackmoor. I was still in Hampshire but just a little to the north.
                                                                                           We,  that  is  my  mother,  father,  two  brothers,  one  of  whom  left  shortly  after  our
       Saturday 23  March  – Craft and Kids – 2.30-3.45pm.  Different things for children   move to join the air force and a year later the second one left home to join the
       to do which Parents /Carers   can join in  too.  Tea/Coffee & Juice and of course   metropolitan police leaving just myself, younger sister and my parents in our new
       some food. If you have not been with your children/grandchildren why not give it    home on Blackmoor Estate in a cottage on the edge of a large wooded area, a
       a try.
                                                                                           stone’s throw from my father’s carpenter’s workshop.
       Have a lovely March and have a good  Easter.   Blessings and Best Wishes
                                                                                           I  lived  with  my  parents  through  to  my  late  teens,  while  I  attended  Churchers
                        Peter Jenner – Lay Worker – Children and Families and Outreach.    College  in  Petersfield,  some  eight  miles  away,  A  journey  I  made  daily  on  the
                                                                                           number six bus, six days a week. We had normal subjective periods on Saturday
                                                                                           mornings, had  lunch  with  cricket and  rugby  matches in the afternoon.  This  plus
                                                                                           daily homework of two or two and a half hours each evening was our grammar
                                                                                           school regime.
       LOCAL CHOIR NEWS                                                                    Having  left  school,  I  spent  two  years  working  on  the  Blackmoor  Estate  farm,  a

                                                                                           huge  size  with  a  large  dairy  herd,
       Choral Services and Musical Events at St Peter’s Church,                            cereals,  hops  and  potatoes.  This  was
                                                                                           pre-emptive  to the three years I spent
       Dorchester, during March                                                            at  Seale  Hayne  Agricultural  College.
       We launch our Lent and Holy Week Music Series at St Peter’s Church, Dorchester      Three wonderful years where I not only
       in March. There is a packed programme of choral services, concerts and events       did  a  two  year  course  in  agriculture
       to enjoy as we move towards Easter.                                                 and  one  year  in  farm  management
                                                                                           and  another  thing  I  did  was  play
       On  Saturday  16   March  between  12.30pm  and  1.00pm,  our  monthly  lunchtime   rugby  for  Newton  Abbot  in  a  much
       concert  is  a  performance  of  Pergolesi’s  Stabat  Mater,  performed  by  vocal   higher  echelon  than  I  had  previously
       consort  and  a  small  instrumental  ensemble.  This  is  a  free  concert  and  all  are   played.
                                                                                           Prior  to  my  time  at  college  as  I
       Our monthly service of Choral Eucharist takes place on Passion Sunday 17  March     mentioned previously I worked on the

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