Page 13 - BR March 2024 - converted
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March 2024                            March 2024

 raise money in support of the Village Hall Charitable Trust.   COMMUNITY BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP
 The applications were considered and approved by the Parish Council against its   Did you know? There is a Community Bereavement Support
 grant budget of £500 budget for the financial year ending 31  March 2024.   Group for the Benefice community run by two experienced
       retired nurses. Sessions start on 13th February, and will be held

       in the Meeting Room at The D’Urberville Centre between
 Annual Parish Litter Pick 2024   10.30am and 12.00noon every Tuesday, with each course of
 It  is  a  sad  fact  that  there  is  an   sessions lasting
 increasing amount  of litter appearing      six weeks.
 across  the  Parish.    Over  the  last    If you are interested, please contact the Church office or fill in a
 decade or so we have conducted an   request for information (to be found in a leaflet in the churches)
 annual  litter  pick,  and  this  year  is  no   and we will get back to you.
 exception.  The litter pick this year will
 take  place  on  Saturday  and  Sunday   We are able to provide a place for reflection and revisiting
 16  and 17  March.   memories – good as well as painful ones – with other people who are also grieving.
 Equipment  will  be  supplied  including   This support group is for people of all faiths and of no faiths.
 gloves,  high  viz  vests,  litter  grabbers
 and  sturdy  bin  bags.    These  will  be
 available  from  the  village  hall  from
 9am until noon on both mornings.  The
 pick will be split into routes of varying
 lengths so participants can select a route that suits them best.   CHURCH CLEANING ROTA
 The litter pick could not happen unless we have volunteers, so, please do try to
 help  out.    Your  assistance  would  be  much  appreciated.    If  you  have  any   26 February - 10   Rosemary Cleave
 questions, please call Sue Jones on 07971 500333.     March 2024   Sarah Trenchard
       11 March -24     Nancy Gibson
       March 2024       Sue Steggals
 AFFPUDDLE, BRIANTSPUDDLE AND   25 March - 7 April  Ian Ventham
                        Diana Ventham
 Plans are well underway for this year’s Open Gardens event raising funds for the
 maintenance of the Village hall. Open Gardens is one of the major events to raise   2nd  LENT   No flowers
 funds in the Village hall calendar and up until 2019 had been run at least every
 other year. Of course the dreaded Covid got in the way over recent years but we   9th   LENT   No flowers
 are back with a vengance for 2024.

 June 24 is a busy month with 80  year D Day celebrations and fathers day but we   16th  LENT   No flowers
 hope the sun is going to shine on Sunday 23  June and many a visitor will turn up
                                     23rd  LENT                 No flowers
 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:   30th  EASTER Sunday 31st   Spring colours

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