Page 20 - BR March 2024 - converted
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March 2024                                                                          March 2024

        BISHOP’S LETTER                                                                    class is £5
                                                                                           No  need  to  book  in  advance.  Just  come  along  and  join  in  our  fun  and  very
        Now the green blade riseth                                                         friendly class, where you will be guaranteed a very warm welcome.

        A  century  ago,  the  great  journalist  and  Catholic                            If you would like more information, please email Lucy Cruickshank at
        provocateur  G.K.Chesterton  wrote  a  wonderful  essay                   or telephone Lyn Simmonds on 01929 471528
        entitled ‘The Priest of Spring’ in which he considered the
        integration of the Christian seasons with the natural year
        –  and  referred  to  the  “armies  of  the  intellect  who  will                  Pop In Place Community Café at Bere Regis Village Hall
        fight  to  the  end  on  whether  Easter  is  to  be
        congratulated on fitting in with the spring or the spring                          Every Friday morning from 10 am until 12 noon we run a Community Café at the
        on fitting in with Easter”.                                                        Village Hall North Street.

        It’s a familiar theme, often replayed in the media at this                         We offer a warm welcome, to everyone who walks through the door.
        time of year – if (to my mind) a fairly pointless one. For                         We  also  welcome  new  volunteers  to  help  on  our  team  serving  the  drinks  and
        the  authenticity  of  the  Christian  celebration  of  Easter                     helping at events.  Also and very importantly to chat to the people who attend
        does not pivot on its historical priority to pagan or other                        the café’s.
        celebrations  of  the  natural  year,  but  rather  on  its  -  far
        bolder - claim to fulfil them.                                                     Would  you  like  to  make  a  difference  in  your  community?    Then  call  the  Team
                                                                                           Leader Alison Bennett 01929 472023 for more details about how the Pop In Place
        The  Biblical  account  of  resurrection  is  not  that  Easter  merely  recapitulates  a   changes people’s lives.
        universal  theme,  but  that  it  marks  an  entirely  new  creative  act,  pointing  to
        nature’s ultimate liberation from the cycle of growth and decay. We can believe
        it  or  not,  but  the  New  Testament  appears  to  claim  nothing  less,  St  Paul   Pop In Place Food Crisis Support
        concluding that: ‘if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation”.
                                                                                           The Pop In Place have a Food Crisis Project, if you are struggling and you need
        The eggs and lambs and green blades that now rise to greet the spring are no       food please  get  in  touch  we   have gained  funding to provide   crisis  packs for
        less joyous in that light, but – I suggest – even more so, and I pray you will share in   people in the Parish in a difficult situation.
        their praise.
                                                                                           If you need this service please email in confidence and
                                                             +Andrew Ramsbury              we will help. Thank you to Gareth Lynam who is running this project for us.

                                Did you Know?                                              Pop In Place Work shop

                                                                                           We  are  a  small  group  meeting  on  Friday  mornings  and  do  some  wood  work,
          Would you like to have the parish magazine delivered to your door each month     making bird boxes, bug hotels and planters etc we also do a lot of talking and
                               if you live within the parishes?                            drinking coffee. We have completed and refurbished the table tennis table and
                                                                                           that is available for people to play a game.
             We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the
           delivery of this magazine, and for just £10 a year (which is £2 less than you   If you are interested in coming along and doing any of the above or your own
          would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be included   small project, call in and see us you will be very welcome.
                                 on one of these rounds.
                  Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham               Have you checked out our Pop In Place website
                   or  01929 471780                       For More information call Alison Bennett 01929 472023

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