Page 15 - BR March 2024 - converted
P. 15

March 2024                            March 2024
 Estate  farm,  where  I  work  along  side  some  wonderful  characters  including  Old
 Bob, who I have mentioned before in articles. Old Bob, who told us that he had
 been christened, Robert, Arthur, George. When asked about his names, he replied
 Robert  after  my  uncle,  Arthur  and  after  my  father  and  George  after  Arthur.  Of
 course this was said in a typical accent of a farm worker, who had learnt very little
 at school but had learnt a lot about the basic farming.
 One  day,  while  a  considerable  acreage  of  potatoes  were  to  be  planted,  Bob
 decided that there was far to many spuds to be sown on the farm, so he decided
 there were more than enough for the job in hand, so there were enough for him to
 take home. When he came to work the next day, he said “I puts the spuds on the
 kitchen table and the Miissus said, “They aint no good.”,so I took ‘em out into the
 garden and buried ‘em” .
 Bob had a huge garden and spent all his time in that garden if he wasn’t eating or
 sleeping. There is a huge number of stories about Old Bob, which I hope to tell in
 later pieces along with other members of the farm and estate staff. Where ever he
 was Bob had to smoke cigarettes practically all the time while he was working. He
 rolled his own “fags” from his selected “bacca”, which to the shop keeper was “St.
 Julian  Tobacco”. He always wore a waistcoat or to Old Bob a “wescot”, this was
 essential  to  a  smoker  such  as  himself.  He  saved  all  his  “butts”,  squeezing  them
 when his cigarette was finished putting them in his “wescot” pocket. When he had
 sufficient in his “wescot” pocket, he took out his pipe and proceeded to fill it with
 his “butts”.
 He  knew  nothing  about  nicotine
 and the problems it could create
 in  heavy  smokers.  For  Bob  to  be
 without  “baccy”  was  to  be
 without  Bob.  It  was  just  as  well
 because  he  was  a  great  worrier
 and if he had known and had to
 give  up  his  “baccy”  goodness
 knows   what   would   have
 happened to him.

 If Bob had a logo or coat of arms,
 it  would  probably  have  been
 crossed  pipes  over  a  tobacco
 pouch rampant.
 At this point it is time to say that Bob had been a smoker long before he left school,
 he  had  worked  evenings  and  weekends  and  so  could  afford  an  “Hounce  of
 baccy”. At this point it is time to finish and so “by four know” and God Bless you all
 for reading this.
 So until next month good bye and thank you for reading this far.
           Ted Cox

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