Page 11 - BR March 2024 - converted
P. 11

March 2024                            March 2024

 A  boy  lived  with  his  parents  in  a  small  wooden  bungalow  in  the  countryside.   News was shared in churches across the West Purbeck Benefice at the beginning
 Across the road from them was a small cottage in which lived a man on his own.   of February that Rev Sandra Williams will be retiring at the end of April this year.
 Often the neighbour would come across to their bungalow to borrow a spanner,   Sandra’s last services will be on Sunday 28  April.  I know that many people have
 etc. as neighbours do. And sometimes the young man would be sent over with a   already expressed both their sadness that we will be losing Sandra, and also their
 message. If it was winter he would be invited in to sit by the log fire and would   joy for Sandra and Graham as they begin a new stage of life in retirement. We
 listen to many tales of adventure.   will miss them hugely.
 As he grew older he was asked what he wanted to do. The friend across the road   We will all want to thank Sandra for her generous ministry amongst us since 2019.
 suggested he joined the Air Force, the wonderful up-and-coming modern R.A.F. It   The  collection  of  donations  will  be  coordinated  by  the  treasurer  of  Affpuddle
 had such potential. The young man was persuaded. So as soon as he could he   PCC.    Everyone who  would like  to make  a donation towards  a farewell  gift to
 joined up.   Sandra is asked to do it in the following way:
 Then came the second war, W.W.2. Sadly he was shot down and killed instantly.   By Bank transfer to:
 The neighbour across the road also died a few years before, crashing his motor-  PCC Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle
 cycle while avoiding two boys on bicycles.
       Lloyds Bank Dorchester
 The young man’s name is on the War Memorial in Bladen Valley, Basil Knowles of   Sort code: 30-92-69
 Briantspuddle, Dorset.    Account number: 07375937
 This short story was told to Irene Bryant by Henrietta Knowles, his mother.    Ref: Rev Sandra’s retirement gift
 The following details are of both the son and his father’s war records.   Or by cheque payable to ‘PCC Affpuddle &Turnerspuddle’. Or cash. Please put
       cheques or cash into an enveloped marked ‘Rev Sandra’s retirement gift’ and
 Basil E Knowles on Briantspuddle War Memorial   give  them  to  a  churchwarden  or  member  of  the  clergy  team  in  any  of  our
 Basil Elles Sharp Knowles was a Sergeant with 37 Squadron, Royal  Air Force and   churches across the West Purbeck Benefice.
 died on Wednesday 1  May 1940 aged 19.   Details of farewell services, celebrations and the event at which we will present
 He is commemorated at the War Memorial in Briantspuddle and at Runnymede   the gift will be in next month’s magazine. . Please hold Sandra and Graham in
 Memorial dedicated to Airmen who were lost in the Second World War and who   your prayers at this time of transition.
 have no known graves. There is also a plaque on his parent’s grave in Moreton,   With many thanks,
 Dorset  stating  that  he  was  a  Sergeant-Pilot  although  the  R.A.F.  Personnel
 Management  Agency  state  that  he  enlisted  as  an  Air  Observer  on  20   March   Richard
 1939. He died in a Wellington Bomber in a raid to Stavanger, Norway.
       The Revd Canon Richard Bartlett
 Basil, known to his family as ‘Bill’, was the youngest son of Sergeant Arthur Knowles
 and his wife Henrietta who lived at Clouds Hill, Dorset as neighbours of Lawrence   Vicar  of  the  West  Purbeck  Benefice
 of  Arabia.  Lawrence  who  served  with  R.A.F.  for  12  years  and  was  a  known   and Rural Dean of Purbeck
 enthusiast for the service, obviously encouraged the sons of the Knowles’ as three
 served in the R.A.F.
 Arthur Knowles, his father, served in the First World War and was involved with the
 very first tank operation at Cambrai, being decorated. He suffered gas poisoning
 when helping colleagues and died prematurely aged 48 as a consequence.

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