Page 12 - BR March 2024 - converted
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March 2024                                                                          March 2024
         The Benefit to Us
                                                                                            to explore our beautiful villages and gardens.
         The Parish Giving Scheme is a 21st century solution to allow                       Many have already committed to open their garden – but if you haven’t yet, we
         effective and efficient Direct Debit to local parish churches.                     are  still  on  the  look  out.  Your  garden  does  not  need  to  be  RHS  standard  and
                                                                                            people  enjoy  looking  at  all  sorts  of  gardens.  Whether  you  have  focused  on
         Through your generous commitment, the Parish Giving                                flowers, shrubs, vegetables or just keeping the grass tamed it will be enjoyed by
         Scheme will bring many benefits for our local churches                             the visitors who come and wander around.

           The scheme is free for churches and givers to use.                              In addition to the gardens, Karen and Adam at the Manor will be opening up their
                                                                                            side garden and barn to host a classic car show and art exhibition. Many from the
          Less cash donations are handled, so it’s safer for our volunteers and their time   villages  have  offered  to  bring  along  cars  and  arts  and  crafts  to  add  an  extra
           spent counting and banking cash donations is reduced.                            dimension to this years event.
          Income from giving is less prone to fluctuation when people are away from        The  village  hall  will  be  open  all  day  for  refreshments,  including  lunches  and
           church for whatever reason  - a steady income makes our budgeting and            afternoon teas. We will have a plant stall in the car park so if you’ve got too many
           planning so much easier.                                                         seedlings or can pot up some cuttings they would be gratefully received.
          Gift Aid is claimed through the scheme so a great deal of time and work is       We  are  hoping  that  as  many  will  get  involved  as  possible.  If  you’re  not  able  to
                                                                                            open your garden then please consider volunteering to man the car park, help
           saved.                                                                           with the catering or generally marshalling visitors around.

                                                                                            The event is registered with National Open Gardens and is listed on their website
                                                                                            and so we hope to welcome visitors from near and far.
         The Benefit to You
                                                                                            If  you  haven’t  been  involved  before
                                                                                            and have any questions please don’t
           Your giving happens electronically, avoiding the need for cash or cheques.      hesitate  to  speak  to us.  We  have  an
                                                                                            email  address  for  easy  contact    or
           You can choose to give monthly, quarterly, or annual  - whatever suits.
           You can alter the amount of your gift at any time.                    
           The Parish Giving Scheme is a not for profit organization, so the full value of   contact Stuart on 07818 078191.
            your donation is used to support our churches.
                                                                                            And  if  all  of  that  hasn’t  encouraged
           The Direct Debit Scheme is backed by guarantee, so your money and               you  to  sign  up,  on  the  Sunday
            transactions are safe                                                           evening once the visitors have left we
           If you prefer, you can choose to remain anonymous                               shall  have a  thank you  supper in  the
                                                                                            village hall.
           Should you wish to opt to increase your gift each year, you can do this easily.
                                                                                                     Open Gardens Committee

         Join the Parish Giving Scheme to support our churches today  -  ask
         your church representative for a printed gift form

         For Bere Regis   -  Glo Curtis  - 472620   -

         For Affpuddle   -  Richard Killer  - 471202
          Or go online:
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