Page 22 - br-mar-2021 (1)
P. 22

March 2021                                                                          March 2021
       They are a picture of our lives at this time, as we struggle with ‘lockdown’ and are
       constantly bombarded with reams of statistics telling us how awful everything is,   POETRY CORNER
       and will life ever return to normal – if we can remember what ‘normal’ is like. We
       are  thankful  for  the  vaccine  which  is  definitely  making  a  difference  and  could
       bring lockdown to an end fairly soon.                                               I heard a bird
                                                                                                                                What do they see in the early light
        God has promised us that “As long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest,
       cold  and  heat,  summer  and  winter,  day  and  night  will  never  cease.”    Genesis   I heard a bird, singing in the moonlight   That their song is like a serenade
       8:22.  So the seasons will come and go as usual, and the difficult times will pass.    When the night was still and clear   An expression of such delight.
       There  is  another  verse  that  says,  “Because  of  the  Lord’s  great  love,  we  are  not   It sounded just like a song of praise
       consumed, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning, great is     To the dawn he thought was near.     When I hear a bird singing in the
       Your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:21-22)
       So whenever you are feeling down, and even despairing, remember that God is         I heard a bird, singing in the morning   Stirring me with his melody
       faithful, and He will see you through this time, and even bring good out of it for                                       I know he’s singing of happiness
       you.  Be  encouraged by the crocuses, who never give up, no matter what the         Flying high, trilling loud and long   And sharing his secret with me.
       weather does to them.                                                               It sounded just like an aria         I know he’s singing of paradise
                                                                                           Waking the world with his song.
       There is a hymn that is based on that last verse from the Bible, which you probably                                      And sharing his secret with me.
       know.  I quote from one of the verses.  I trust it will encourage you.
                                                                                           It made me wonder, what do they
       Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,                                                                                              Eileen Richardson
       Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
       Join with all nature in manifold witness
       To Your great faithfulness, mercy and love.
       Great is Your faithfulness, Great is Your faithfulness,
       Morning by morning new mercies I see;
       All I have needed Your hand has provided,
       Great is Your Faithfulness, Lord, unto me.
                                                                                            The world is full of music
                                                                                                                                When skies are all grey and Winter is

       Just a Smile
                                                                                            The world is full of music          Your thoughts will all turn to Spring
       A little girl was talking to her granny about children’s television programmes.      So lift up your voice and sing      You’ll forget the grey sky and days will
                                                                                            And fill your world with melody     go by
       Granny said, “There are no programmes for grannies.”
                                                                                            For music is a magical thing.       If you just find a new song to sing.
       “Oh, yes there are” said the little girl, “there’s the Antiques Road Show!”
                                                                                            The world is full of laughter       The world is full of music
                                                                                            Your heart will just dance along    And music’s a magical thing
       Notice in a Church Vestibule:
                                                                                            If you fill your world with melody   So fill your world with melody
       ‘Churchyard  maintenance  is  becoming  increasingly  difficult,  and  it  will  be   And capture a magical song.        And make every day feel like spring.
       appreciated if parishioners will cut the grass around their own graves.’
                                                                                                                                                    Eileen Richardson

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