Page 26 - br-mar-2021 (1)
P. 26

March 2021                                                                          March 2021

                                                                                            Wow! the water was so crystal clear and you could see the bottom with a forest
       DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT                                                  of kelp and the occasional glimpse of the craggy outline of the rock formation
                                                                                            below. It was awesome! Occasional fish darted to and fro to add to the majesty
       Dorset Police                                                                        of the place.
                                                                                            I returned to shore early to view a sea of yellow EDOWSC hats bobbing excitedly
       Dorset  Police  has  seen  a  6.1  per  cent
       drop  in  recorded  crime;  data  released                                           in the distance. Emily said "  I thought the Dancing Ledge swim was incredible as
       by  the  Office  for  National  Statistics                                           you swam and the rock dropped away beneath you underwater, like swimming
       shows the Force has continued to see a                                               over a cliff edge!".
       drop  in  overall  crime  for  the  third                                            Back to land they came and a quick change saw us negotiate the perilous climb
       consecutive  quarter.  In  early  2020                                               up the precipitous rocks. Phil and Ray were there to give everyone assistance and
       Dorset  Police  received  a  ‘Good’                                                  the occasional push and prod.
       grading from Her Majesty's Inspectorate
       of  Constabulary  and  Fire  &  Rescue
       Services  (HMICFRS)  for  accurate  crime
       recording, which means the reduction of 6.1 per cent during the 12 months to the
       end of September 2020 is a real reduction, this gives us the ninth lowest crime rate
       in England and Wales.

       A reduction within some crime types has very likely been impacted by COVID-19
       and national restrictions requiring people to stay home during the first lockdown.
       Even with some crime returning to expected levels during the summer months, the
       overall reduction enabled the Force to proactively focus on the crimes that affect
       the most vulnerable members of our communities, such as domestic abuse, child
       sexual  exploitation  and  county  lines.  The  total  number  of  crimes  reduced  from
       54,387  to  51,088  over  the  12-month  period,  a  reduction  of  4.3  crimes  per  1,000

                                                                                            Having  climbed  the  hill  a  little  way,  we  found  the  South  West  coastal  footpath
       Census 2021
                                                                                            which was to lead us west and parallel to the cliffs to Winspit an old disused quarry
       The census is a once-in-a-decade survey that gives the most accurate estimate of     cut  into  the  cliffs  near  Worth  Matravers.  We  carefully  made  our  way  down  the
       all the people and households in England and Wales. It has been carried out every    crag,  over  some  jagged  rocks  to  a  ledge.  A  quick  change  saw  our  intrepid
       10 years since 1801, apart from 1941. It will be run predominantly online. All Dorset   swimmers enter the ravine.  Again we were able to look down on a whole new
       households  should  have  received  a  letter in  late  February  with  a  unique  access   world. crabs crawling along the bottom and fish darting here and there, the kelp
       code, allowing them to complete the questionnaire on their computers, phones or      changing colour and texture glistening in the morning sun. This was a truly magical
       tablet devices. Census day will be on March 21, but households will receive letters   place.
       with online codes allowing them to take part from early March.
                                                                                            Again a quick change and in our hiking gear we were heading off up the hill to
       Iain  Bell,  deputy  national  statistician  at  Office  for  National  Statistics,  said:  “A   the "Square and Compass" for a pint and pasty. Pies, pasties and Dorset apple
       successful census will ensure everyone from local government to charities can put    cake  seemed  to  be  the  only  items  on  the  menu!  The  Purbecks  are  full  of
       services and funding in the places where they are most needed. This could mean       interesting places to visit and this pub is no exception. Run by the same family for
       things like doctors’ surgeries, schools and new transport routes. That’s why it is so   generations, it feels like it is in a time-warp back to the 1930s. It has its own fossil
       important everyone takes part and we have made it easier for people to do so         museum and runs a busy programme of entertainments throughout the summer.
       online  on  any  device,  with  help  and  paper  questionnaires  for  those  that  need   A short drive took us to Renscombe Farm National Trust Car Park and another mile
                                                                                            walk  firstly  over  cornfields  and  then  a  steep  descent  to  Chapman's  Pool  a

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