Page 27 - br-mar-2021 (1)
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March 2021                            March 2021
 SWIMTREK   Although the census is ‘digital first’, paper questionnaires and a range of support
       will be available for those who need it. A trained census team will be available to
       help  people  complete  the  census  over  the  phone  via  a  free  phone  contact
 "Let's  do  something  different"  exclaimed  club      centre.  All details will be provided in the letter. Dorset Council’s Digital Hotline is
 president  Ali  Budynkiewicz  "Let's  spend  a  day   also  offering  support  to  people  who  may  wish  to  get  online  for  the  first  time  to
 swimming  at  some  different  and  unusual   complete the census. Their group of volunteer Digital Champions can be reached
 locations".    by  telephone  on  01305  221048  Monday  to  Friday,  except  Bank  Holidays,  10am-
 My  mind  raced  ahead  of  me  as  I  thought  of  all
 the  fabulous  places  along  the  Dorset  coast  we   A census field team will follow up with households who have not completed their
 could enjoy and already I was being caught up in   questionnaire  after  census  day.    The  census  field  operation  will  be  carried  out
 Ali's natural bubbly enthusiasm.    without  anyone  needing  to  enter  a  home.  All  contacts  with  the  public  will  be
       socially  distanced  and  census  field  staff  will  be  equipped  with  PPE  in  line  with
 "I'll think about that" was my reply- and it was from   government guidance.
 this  brief  conversation  our  great  swimming
 odyssey was born.    Results will be available within 12 months, although personal records will be locked
       away for 100 years, kept safe for future generations.
 The great day arrived and forty members, family
 and friends of East Dorset Open Water Swimming
 Club  assembled  in  the  National  Trust  car  park  at   Park Home Licence Fees Consultation
 Langton Matravers and an air of expectancy gripped us all. Andy and Mary had
 brought along one year-old Matilda in her baby carrier and of course there was   Owners  and  residents  of  Dorset’s  park  home  sites  are  being  asked  to  give  their
 Taz the dog!   views on a draft policy for how Dorset Council sets park home licence fees. A new
       policy  is  needed  to  standardise  how  park  home  licence  fees  are  calculated
 I  gave  a  short  briefing  warning   across  Dorset.  It  will  replace  the  policies  of  the  county’s  former  district  and

 everyone  of  the  roughness  of  the   borough councils which each determined their fees differently.  The draft policy
 terrain  and  the  dire  consequences   proposes  that  sites  should  be  grouped  into  bands  according  to  the  number  of
 of jumping into unchartered waters   homes on each site. The council needs to find out how the policy might impact on
 but these were "swimming places to   site  owners  and  residents  and  make  sure  it  is  fair.    The  introduction  of  a  single
 die for" Did I say that?!   policy  across  Dorset  will  mean  that  some  sites  will  be  subject  to  an  increased
       licence fee, while others will benefit from a reduced fee.
 So off we strolled on our first walk of
 the day, south past Spyway Barn to    If  you  own  a  site,  or  live in  a  park  home,  please  take  the  time  to  give  us  your
 Dancing Ledge. It had got its name   feedback  at . The consultation runs from 1 February to
 because the stone cut out of it was   21 March 2021.
 the same size as a ballroom dance

 floor.  As  we  descended  the  steep
 grassy  hill  to  the  cliffs  below,  the   Support for Cultural Organisations
 ledge stood out in all its glory. It was
 now  around  11am  and  the  sun  was  beginning  to  push  through  the  cloud   Cultural organisations across Dorset will benefit from funding support from Dorset
 heightening the senses. The climb down onto the ledge was, shall we say a little   Council.  From 1 April, some 24 organisations will be supported with a three-year
 challenging and a few people were content to stay on the top to enjoy the view.   funding agreement courtesy of the council’s new Organisational Revenue Support
       Fund.  In  November  2020  the  council  launched  a  new  grant  application
 This was a wonderful place to start our tour. There was a small pool which had   process   for   cultural   organisations   to   gain   revenue   support.
 been blasted out of the natural stone ledge in the early 20th. century for the local   The  Organisational  Revenue  Support  Fund  is  the  first  of  three  new  rounds
 preparatory  schools  to  use  and  some  of  our  swimmers  decided  to  swim  in  this   of  discretionary  and  project  funds  being  brought  in  as  the  council  streamlines
 initially.  However,  most  of  our  party  ease  themselves  off  the  ledge  into  the   its approach to funding following local government reorganisation in Dorset. The
 beckoning sea.    new  grant  awards  will  replace  all  historic  funding  agreements  to  cultural

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