Page 25 - br-mar-2021 (1)
P. 25

March 2021                            March 2021
       guidelines. The vaccine is shown to be effective, but we don’t yet know at this
 rounded  grey  shingle  bay.  Here  our  group  decided  to  split  into  two  with  most   stage  whether  it  prevents  transmission  of  the  virus.    As  time  goes  on,  this  will
 people choosing to walk further around the bay to enter from the beach. A few of   become clearer.
 us chose to swim from the boat slipway, negotiating the very shallow water and
 swimming across the bay, eventually joining the others. As I lay back taking in the   This  has  been  a  particularly
 view,  I  could  imagine  all  the  smugglers  who  in  times  past  might  have  used  this   challenging   time   for
 secluded spot with its cliffs and rolling Purbeck hills on all but the seaward side.   children and young people,
       who  have  been  faced
 Back  to  land  we  came,  first  one  or  two,  then  the  rest  ready  for  the  steep climb   again with school closures. I
 back to our cars. Gerry was there to greet us "You're ten minutes early he said "I   have  been  very  keen  for
 thought you would take an hour and a half to do that". Gerry was the real linchpin   our  schools  to  re-open  fully
 for the whole day acting as my transport manager and organising all the backup.   as soon as possible, so that
 Unable to do the heavy walking required for this trip, he was saving himself for the   we   can   get   back   to
 final swim at Durdle Door, an ambition of his ever since he came to Dorset a few   classroom  learning.    Many
 years ago.   parents  and  carers  have
       been  in  touch  about  the
 A  short  drive  took  us  through
 Corfe Castle (an awesome sight   challenges  of juggling  work  and home  schooling,  and  it  has  not  been  an  easy
 as  we  descended  the  hill  from   time. Our teachers have been doing an amazing job, but it is not the same as
 Kingston)  and  the  onto  Tynham   when everyone is in the classroom. I was really pleased to hear about some of our
 and  a  swim  in  Warbarrow  Bay.   local schools trialling the mass testing regime last year, and I hope their expertise
 As  we  walked  to  the  bay  I  was   can be shared to help this become a reality for more schools in our area as they
 reminded  how  the  village  was   open again.
 requisitioned  by  the  Ministry  of   Please  do  get  in  touch  if  you  help  or  support.  As  my  staff  are  all  working  from
 Defence so that the surrounding   home, it is best to get in touch by email . I
 countryside  could  be  used  for   send  out  a  regular  email  update  –  you  can  sign  up  on  my  website
 tank  training  during  the  second where you can also find links to
 world  war.  The  villagers  were   the  latest  coronavirus  advice.  Follow  me  on  twitter
 promised  that  they  could  return   @michael4MDNP   or   find   me   on   facebook
 after hostilities  had ceased. This
 of  course  never  happened  and
 the village remains in a time-warp, a magical but eerie place.
 Warbarrow Bay is a wonderful place to swim and has a dreamlike quality. Here we
 had the backdrop of the Isle of Portland jutting out into the ocean. Bob said later

 "This has always been one of my favourite swimming locations and to say this is a   LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT
 most beautiful place would be an understatement of Dorset's natural gem. When
 floating out to sea I was imagining myself floating above the level of the shore"
          Michael Tomlinson MP     
 Back to land for a quick change and another short drive to swim at Lulworth Cove
 and  Stair  Hole.  This  was  to  be  a  major  challenge  for  everyone  in  the  party.  We   holds regular surgeries
 were to change on the beach and swim out through the cove entrance, turn west   in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
 and  make our way the two or three hundred metres keeping close to the rocks   details of forthcoming
 until we found Stair Hole, a cathedral of rocks  and crags.    surgeries or to make an   
 Easy you might say, but not quite! The swim in the bay was straight forward enough   appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP
 but as soon as we emerged into the open sea it became a cauldron as the waves   contact his office.
 dashed against the rocks and threw the swimmers  this way, then that.  Everyone

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