Page 24 - br-mar-2021 (1)
P. 24

March 2021                                                                          March 2021
       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER                                                                                                        who  had  braved  the  open  sea
                                                                                                                                    made  the  entrance  to  Stair  Hole
         Over the last year we have all had to get used to                                                                          and  the  sanctuary  of  the  water
        new  ways  of  working,  and  Parliament  is  no                                                                            behind  it.  A  few  thought  it  might
        exception.  Before  the  pandemic I  went  to  London                                                                       be better to scale the craggy cliff
        every  week  on  Monday  mornings,  returning  to                                                                           and walk back to the cove rather
        Dorset on Thursday or Friday evenings. Over the last                                                                        than  brave  the  raging  sea  again
        few  months  this  has  changed  –  I  have  still  been                                                                    but  were  persuaded  to  return  via
        going to London, but not every week. Parliament is                                                                          our outward route.
        operating  as  a  hybrid  and  most  MPs  are                                                                               Swimming  back  through  the
        contributing  remotely,  but  there  still  have  to  be                                                                    entrance was a truly awe inspiring
        some MPs in the Chamber itself.
                                                                                                                                    sight  but  I  was  reminded  that
        Further, instead of face to face meetings, I have virtual meetings. For example, in                                         Sergeant Troy in Hardy's tragic tale
        the last week I have met with fellow Dorset MPs and Dorset Council, discussing     "Far  from  the  Madding  Crowd"  was  supposed  to  have  come  to  grief  feared  to
        the response to the pandemic. I have also met with the chairs or clerks of all our   have drowned here in the current at Lulworth Cove only to reappear a year later.
        parish councils to talk about their work during Covid and the Dorset Local Plan    Poet John Keats spent his last night on English soil at Lulworth in September 1820.
        consultation. You can find more details about the consultation on my website       Back  on  dry  land,  Annie  one  of  our  very  experienced  open  water  swimmers  –  please     (channel and many other longs swims) reflected "God, that was scary but great
        do contribute your views.
        I  also  have  regular  updates  from  the  CCG  about  the  situation  in  our  local   We were now off up the hill for
        hospitals,  and  also  about  the  vaccinations.    If  you  are  over  70,  or  clinically   the descent into  Durdle Door,
        extremely vulnerable, and you have not yet had the vaccine, please do book a       the  grand  finale  for  our
        vaccine.  You  can  do  this  through  the  national  booking  service  which  can  be   swimming  odyssey.  Having
        accessed  at    Anyone  unable  to  book  online    parked our cars at the top of
        can  call  119  free  of  charge,  anytime  between  7am  and  11pm  seven  days  a   the  hill,  we  made  our  way
        week.  This will gradually be rolled out for more people – please do keep an eye   down  the  gravel  track.  The
        out for updates from the NHS.
                                                                                           sea  sparkled  in  the  evening
        As I write, more than 90% of over 75s have received their first injection in Dorset,   light  and  a  grey  cloudy  sky
        and  the  number  is  rising  daily.  This  could  not  have  been  possible  without  the   was  by  this  time  trying  to
                                                  incredible hard work of our local        reveal  glimpses  of  the  fading
                                                  health service – in particular the       sunlight.  Before  us  was  the
                                                  primary  care  trusts  leading  the      Door  in  all  its  majesty.  This
                                                  GP  vaccination  centres,  the           magnificent  limestone  arch
                                                  help  from  the  military,  and  the     was  created  millions  of  years
                                                  hundreds of volunteers. I want to        ago when the sea eroded the
                                                  express  my  thanks  to  everyone        weaker  rocks  behind  it  and
                                                  who  has  been  involved  in  this       formed a landmark of perfect form and beauty.
                                                  fantastic effort.
                                                                                           It was now past 8pm but around twenty hardy souls were left for our last swim of
                                                  For  those  of  you  who  have           the day. Gerry had made it (good lad!) and we all set out through the Door. In the
                                                  received the vaccine, it is really       fading evening light with the Isle of Portland winking in the background, it was one
                                                  important  that  you  continue  to       of life's unforgettable swimming experiences. As we swam through the Door itself,
                                                  follow  current  social  distancing      we kept going, turning left and swimming around the headland in the choppy sea
                                                                                           until  we  found  the  shelter  of  Man  of  War  Bay  snuggling  around  the  corner.  A

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