Page 60 - br-march-2020
P. 60

March 2020                                                                          March 2020

                                                                                             Dorset  is  a  very  beautiful  county,  but  it  suffers  from  some  very  significant
       THE BERE REGIS SCRIBBLERS                                                           challenges.  Dorset  South  Constituency  has  the  lowest  levels  of  Social  Mobility  of
                                                                                           any  Constituency  in  England,  and  Weymouth  has  some  of  the  highest  levels  of
       FRIENDS  FOR  LIFE                                                                  deprivation  nationally.  There  are  also  significant  pockets  of  deprivation  in  other
                                                                                           parts  of  Dorset,  exacerbated  by  areas  of  significant  rural  sparsity  across  the
       Frances Colville                                                                    county. Some comparative funding issues are:
       I still come here to the Copper Kettle.  I like the                                      By any measure the South West fares poorly in terms of transport investment,
       familiarity, the slightly old fashioned ambiance.  I                                      which exacerbates the challenges presented by our rurality.
       like being able to sit for a couple of hours over
       my  cup  of coffee  with no-one  bothering  me.   I                                       The  South  West  also  receives  substantially  less  investment  than  the  South
       like knowing that sometimes you will be here too                                          East on enterprise and economic development, transport, and housing and
       – not always, but just often enough to keep me                                            community amenities.
       returning again and again.
                                                                                                Coastal  areas  are  increasingly  associated  with  lower  pay,  lower  life
       In the beginning of course you were always here.                                          expectancy and deprivation
       I wonder if you remember the first time as vividly as I do.  I like to think you do.  We
       met at the school gates, having just dropped our nearly five year olds off for their      Dorset receives far less per pupil (under the pupil premium calculation) than
       first day.  Bereft, both of us, wondering how to fill the hours until pick-up time and    inner city areas, but has levels of need, deprivation and challenge of the
       each secretly regretting that we only had one child.  The baby years were over,           same relevant magnitude. This situation is replicated across other services.
       never to return, and neither of us knew what to do next.                                 Current  modelling  suggests  that  numbers  of  Looked  after  Children  (LAC)
                                   I  can’t  remember  which  of  us  made  the  first           could increase from 427 to 510 which would create an additional pressure
                                   move, but ten minutes later, here we were, either             of £3.6m per annum of unfunded costs to the council budget.
                                   side  of  the  window  table  in  the  Copper  Kettle,       Numbers  of  Education  Health  Care  Plans  (EHCP)  have  increased  by  over
                                   getting  to  know each  other  over  cups  of coffee          67% since January 2015 but the funding from central government has only
                                   and toasted teacakes.  We hit it off straightaway,            increased by 7%.
                                   didn’t we?  Two shy people with lots in common

                                   and so much to talk about.
                                   Luckily for us, our children hit it off too. Your Emily
                                   and my Toby.  Same reception class, best friends        Further to the article in last month’s magazine. Council tax contributions for Dorset
                                   through  primary  school  and  allies  against  the     Council are proposed to increase by just under 4% to help to fund the rising costs
                                   world at secondary school.  Even now – perhaps          of adult social care and children’s services protecting the most vulnerable people
                                   especially now, after all that has happened – they      in society.
                                   talk  regularly.    You’d  be  pleased  to  hear  that,  I
                                   know.    They’re  at  different  universities,  living   We  are  legally  required  to
                                   separate  lives,  but  I’m  sure  they’re  always  there   provide social care, and these
       for each other, and I hope – as you and I always hoped – that they’ll decide to     services are often expensive to
       spend the rest of their lives together.                                             provide.  Well  over  half  of  our
                                                                                           total  budget  is  spent  on
       Your Rob and my Dave became mates too.  Sports mad the pair of them, and it         adults’  and  children’s  social
       wasn’t  long  before  they’d  bonded  on  the  golf  course  and  the  squash  court.    care.   Since   2010,   central
       Sometimes the four of us got together for a game of tennis.  More often for an      government grants to councils
       evening at your house or ours; kids tucked up in bed, good food and a bottle or     have  been  cut  by  nearly
       two of wine.  Nothing to set the world alight, but it suited us all.                60%.    We  no  longer  receive
                                                                                           any  Revenue  Support  Grant
       Looking  back,  those  happy  years  merge  into  each  other.    Of  course  we  had

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