Page 55 - br-march-2020
P. 55

March 2020                            March 2020


 The Autumn Leaves Club this month started very sadly with
 the  news  that  Mrs  Kath  Jeeves,  who  founded  the  club
 nearly half a century ago, has died at the age of 97.  The
 meeting  began  with  a  short  period  of  silence  and
 contemplation,  after  which  several  members  shared with
 us their memories of Kath.  She was a very lively and lovely lady who sparkled with
 energy and ideas.  She was always ready to help people and was involved with
 almost  every  village  activity.    The  first  item  in  the  Constitution  of  the  Autumn
 Leaves Club states: "It was formed to improve the lives of the Pensioners in the
 village and the surrounding villages,” a statement which has proved true for over
 48 years.
 The  afternoon  continued  with  a  talk  by  Linda  Lamon,  illustrated  by  pictures  of
 Bere Regis, Mays  Wood, and  many other well-known areas of Dorset.   This was
 enhanced  by  the  fact  that  many  of  the  slides  were  in  3D  which  involved
 members using special ‘spectacles’ to see the effects.
 The  afternoon  continued  with  the  usual  tea,  sandwiches  and  cakes,
 (supplemented  by  a  large  tray  of  delicious  chocolate  brownies  made  by  Sue)
 and a very lively raffle, ably managed by Marion.
 We were pleased to welcome several visitors this month and hope that they and
 others will join us for our March meeting.  This will be an illustrated talk, presented
 by David Senior about the work of the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
 This will be on Wednesday 11th March and will, as usual, be held in the Scout Hut
 at 2.30pm.  Do come and join us, you will be sure of a warm welcome and a very
 good afternoon for only £2.50!!

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