Page 59 - br-march-2020
P. 59

March 2020                            March 2020

 from  central  Government.  Instead,  the  Government  expects  us  to  raise  the
 funding we need through council tax.
 This  is  why  2%  of  the increase  in council  tax  is  what  is  known  as  a  ‘social  care
 precept’  –  in  other  words,  central  Government  is  encouraging  councils  to
 increase council tax specifically in order to fund the growing cost of social care.
 Councillors will vote on this proposal at the Full Council meeting on 18 February.

 Town and Parish Councils

 We are holding workshops with Councils as part of the dialogue between Dorset
 Council (DC) and Town & Parish Councils (T&PCs), to discuss how we can build a
 new  relationship  and  work  together  in  future  for  mutual  benefit  and,  more
 importantly, for the benefit of Dorset communities. Below is some feedback
    The  approach  by  DC  to  work  with  T&PCs  to  build  a  new  working
 relationship was widely welcomed.
    T&PCs  wanted  greater  details  of  how  a  new  relationship  with  DC  and
 T&PCs would work in practice.
    Most  agreed  that  DC  and  T&PCs  have  a  shared  objective  of  providing
 community leadership to meet the needs of local people as well a shared
 appetite to work together better to achieve this jointly.

    A strong theme was that Dorset Council needs to work hard to build trust
 with T&PCs by:
  Listening to town & parish councils

  Involving them in decision-making at the earliest opportunity
  Acting on their feedback wherever possible, and where it isn’t possible
 explaining why
  Improving two-way communications.

     DC perceived by some as ‘monolithic’ and ‘remote’.
    DC needs to develop open and improved communications with T&PCs. For
 example, DC need to involve T&PCs as early as possible in any potential
 changes or cuts to services so they can prepare properly. Officers need to
 explain their decisions and processes better to local councils.
    There's  a  question  over  resources.  DC  and  T&PCs  all  face  significant
 pressures on budgets and resources. Sometimes DC does things which can
 inadvertently  put  additional  pressure  on  town  and  parish  councils.  DC
 needs to explain better the constraints on its resources to T&PCs.

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