Page 62 - br-march-2020
P. 62

March 2020                                                                          March 2020

       MILBORNE MOVIES                                                Best                  NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER

        At  Milborne  St  Andrew  Village  Hall,  the                Actress                As I write, the verges of the local roads in Dorset are
        Causeway DT11 0JB
                                                                      Oscar                 covered in snowdrops, and the daffodils are starting
        Friday  20   March.  Doors  and  bar  open                                          to poke their green shoots up past the old leaves. I
        7.00 for a 7.30 start                                                               am by nature an optimist, and the signs of spring are
                                                                                            always  welcome  after  winter. It’s important  to  look
                                                                                            after  our  countryside,  and  I  recently  had  the
                                                                                            chance  to  meet  a  Womble  in  Parliament,  to  raise
        Judy, with Renee Zellweger                                                          awareness  of  the  Great  British  Spring  Clean.  I  was
                                                                                            very pleased to see locally that there was a recent
        It is Winter 1968 and showbiz legend Judy
        Garland  arrives  in  Swinging  London  to                                          prosecution  for  fly-tipping  –  such  a  blight  on  our
        perform  a  five-week  sold-out  run  at  The                                       countryside, sending a clear message that it will not
        Talk  of  the  Town.  It  is  30  years  since  she                                 be tolerated.
        shot  to  global  stardom  in  The  Wizard  of                                      The  last  month  has  been  as  varied  as  usual.  In  Parliament  I  was  pleased  to
        Oz,  but  if  her  voice  has  weakened,  its                                       attend  the  launch  of  the  Open  Doors  World  Watch  list  launch,  outlining  the
        dramatic intensity has only grown. As she                                           countries where Christians face the most intense persecution. I also recently met
        prepares  for  the  show,  battles  with                                            the  Patriarch  of  Jerusalem,  and  had  the  opportunity  to  discuss  support  for
        management,  charms  musicians  and                                                 Christians in the Holy Land.
        reminisces with friends and adoring fans,
        her wit and warmth shine through. Even her dreams of love seem undimmed as          On average MPs are likely to be drawn for two Prime Minister’s Questions a year.
        she  embarks  on  a  whirlwind  romance  with  Mickey  Deans,  her  soon-to-be  fifth   I have had two in the last month, and I raised education and support for families.
        husband. Featuring some of her best-known songs, the film celebrates the voice,     I have also spoken in debates in Parliament about homelessness, sentencing of
        the capacity for love, and the sheer pizzazz of "the world's greatest entertainer." It   criminals and local government finance. I have raised various issues concerning
        is  led  by  a  deeply  committed  Renee  Zellweger,  giving  ‘the  performance  of  a   Dorset with ministers, and joined the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Great
        lifetime’.                                                                          South West.
                                                                                                                                    Closer  to  home,  I  invited  the

                                                                                                                                    Railway  Minister  to  Wareham  to
       CASTLE PLAYERS  -                                                                                                            see  the  pedestrian  crossing  for
                                                                                                                                    himself.  He  met  with  local
       LYTCHETT MATRAVERS                                                                                                           councillors   and  community
                                                                                                                                    representatives  to  try  and  find  a
                                                                                                                                    way  forward  to  resolve  the
       We  are  about  to  start  our  rehearsals  for  our  fantastic                                                              longstanding  issues  surrounding
       play,  Ghost  Writer,  to  take  place  in  May  at  Lytchett                                                                the crossing. Further work will now
       Matravers Village Hall. More details to come next issue,                                                                     take  place  to  find  a  solution
       or you can always visit This is a                                                                     including  a  meeting  with  the
       great comedy, so book your tickets fast if you want a                                                                        Office for Road and Rail.
       night of fun and laughter.
                                                                                            I’ve  been  pleased  to  be  able  to  support  several  local  events  and  groups
                                                                                            recently. I had a very enjoyable afternoon watching the brilliant production of
                                                                                            Sleeping  Beauty  performed  by  Broadstone  Pantomime  productions,  before
                                                                                            which  I  popped  in  to  see  the  display  of  artwork  by  Broadstone  Art  society  at

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