Page 57 - br-march-2020
P. 57

March 2020                            March 2020


       Despite  the  best  efforts  of  Storms  Ciara  and
       Dennis, February saw the village festooned with WI
       green hearts.  Even the cherry tree planted at the
       surgery  to  mark  our  centenary  joined  in  the
 Chairman:    Ian Ventham    471480   celebrations, coming out in blossom just in time to show its heart decorations to
       best effect.  The only major casualty was one string of hearts which is missing in
       action  from  its  place  on  the  bridge,  presumably  sailing  down  the  Bere  Stream!
 Vice Chairman:    Bryan Benjafield    07969    We hope that those that stayed in place brought a small amount of cheer to all
       who saw them and contributed in a small way to increasing awareness of climate
 Parish Clerk:    Amanda   472327


 The  Parish  Council  met  on  Thursday  13th  February  2020  at  the  Drax  Hall.  15
 members of the public were present. The next meeting will be on Thursday 12
 March  at  the  Drax  Hall,  starting  at  7pm.  All  parishioners  are  very  welcome  to
 attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns at the start of
 the meeting.

 Parish Forum

 We  will  be  holding  our  annual  Parish  Forum  for  all
 residents  to  attend  on  Saturday  May  16   at  the
 School. The agenda will probably include:
       change.  A big thank you to everyone who kindly allowed us to display the hearts
    A talk about May’s Wood by Anne Brummer,   on their doors.
 Chief  Executive  of  the  Save  Me  Trust,  a   Did  you  know  that  Boots  the  Chemist  used  to  operate  a
 conservation  and  wildlife charity established   lending  library?    Neither  did  most  of  the  Bere  Regis  WI
 by Dr Bryan May         members and we’re therefore looking forward to finding out
    A talk by Michael Tomlinson MP   all  about  it  at  this  month’s  meeting  on  Wednesday  18
                         March.    Both  members  and  non-members  are  very
    Presentation of local volunteer awards   welcome, so please contact us if you’d like to come along.
                         Alternatively,  why  not  join  us  at  this  month’s  Lunch  Club
    Presentation about the need to cherish  and
                         which  will  be  on  Thursday  5  March  at  The  New  Inn,  West
 conserve our local SSSI, Black Hill (tbc)
 All community organisations are cordially invited to attend and to set up stands to
       For details of future meetings, or further information about the WI, please contact
 promote their activities to residents.
       Di  Pitts on 01929 471322 or Moira Mathers on 07900 906278.  You can see more
       about our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.

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