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P. 61

March 2020                            March 2020

 Upton  Country  Park.  I  have  visited  several  local  businesses,  including  the  local   some bad times too.  But you were there for me when my beloved mother died,
 brewer Eight Arch in Wimborne. I have had meetings with Dorset Local Enterprise   and I gave you the support you needed  when  Emily was rushed to hospital with
 Partnership, as well as my usual constituency surgeries.   peritonitis  and  we  all  feared  the  worst.    We  talked  our  way  through  Rob’s
       redundancy, Toby being bullied at school, my brush with breast cancer and that
 If you are a business and would like me to visit, please get in touch, or if you have   awful winter – do you remember? – when both our cottages flooded.
 a n    i s su e    th a t    y ou    n ee d    he lp    wi th ;   e mai l    me    on or contact my office on 01202 624216. You   But we were lucky.  The bad times were few and far between.  We lived charmed
 can  also  follow  what  I’ve  been  doing  on  Twitter   lives really and just occasionally I found myself wondering when we would get our
 @Michael4mdnp   or   Facebook  come-uppance.  Nothing prepared me for the nightmare to come.
       The Copper Kettle remained our favourite meeting place throughout.  Right up
       until  the  end  you  and  I  met  here  at  least  once  a  week;  exchanging  news,
       catching up on the gossip, snatching pockets of time to relax in the midst of busy
       lives.  From time to time we dallied with a new café opening on the High Street or
       the ubiquitous Costa or Starbucks.  But always we returned here to our favourite
 LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT   seat in the window.
       And that’s where I am today.  Sipping my cappuccino, and watching yours grow
 Michael Tomlinson MP       cold on the other side of the table.  I don’t think you will come today.  For a while
 holds regular surgeries   after  your  death  –  from  a  stroke  so  sudden  and  violent  they  tell  me  I  couldn’t
 in the constituency.  For     01202 624216   have saved you even if I had recognised the signs in time – you were often here.
 details of forthcoming   But  those  times,  when  I  could  almost  feel  that  nothing  had  changed,  are
 surgeries or to make an         becoming few and far between.  Now you are faint and blurry around the edges.
 appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP   And I know it is time to let go.
 contact his office.

       COME & SING DAY

 DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT    Saturday, 28  March 2020 from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm at Wimborne United Reform
       Church, Chapel Lane (Parking available)
 Meeting with MPs      Come and join members of Dorset Chamber Choir and John Watkins, our Musical
       Director,  to  learn  and  sing  excerpts  from  Durufle’s  Requiem  Mozart’s  Mazz  in  C
 The  Leader,  myself  and  the  Chief   Minor and Stainer’s Crucifixiion.
 Executive recently held a meeting with
 our MPS to discuss common issues. The   Advance  Bookings  only.    £15  including  music  hire  and  refreshments.    See
 MPs  were  Simon  Hoare,  Michael  for  registration  form  and  full  details  or  contact
 Tomlinson,  Chris  Loder  and  Richard   01305 848053.
 Drax.  We  have  agreed  to  meet
 regularly to ensure that we can resolve
 any  local  questions  and  for  them  to
 understand where we need their help.
 We also provided them with an update
 on  our  financial  situation  and  the  shape  of  our  forthcoming  budget.  We  also
 made the following points

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