Page 52 - br-march-2020
P. 52

March 2020                                                                          March 2020

       DORSET TRADING STANDARDS                                                             BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND
                                                                                            ENVIRONMENT GROUP
       Dorset Council Trading Standards Service check and approve
       businesses so you don’t have to.
       For more information visit or                           Spring is Springing
       call 08454 040506.
                                                                                            With March the days are noticeably lengthening and
       To report or seek advice about problems you have                                     there  are  real  signs  of  Spring  around  us  –  birds  are
       experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.                            becoming more active in preparation for the nesting
                                                                                            and  breeding  season  and  we  will  soon  be  able  to
                                                                                            enjoy  their  wonderful  dawn  chorus.  The  first  green  leaves  are  emerging  on
       The value of reporting to Trading Standards                                          hawthrorn  and  elder  trees;  the  blackthorn  is  in  blossom  and  many  early  Spring
                                                                                            flowers are emerging such as primrose, providing much needed early nectar for
       In the last full financial year local Trading Standards services together:           bees, butterflies and other insects. On warmer sunny days we should see the first
                                                                                            butterflies  of  the  season  –  look  out  for  Orange  Tip  and  Brimstone  butterflies  in
            Received around 500,000 complaints, and undertook 43,000 investigations
            Visited  over  30,000  businesses  to  help  them  understand  business  law  and
             trade fairly
                                                                                                                      Bird Sightings
            Prevented   £26   million
             pounds  being  handed                                                                                    Have you seen the Green Sandpiper – this is a new
             over to doorstep criminals                                                                               winter visitor to the village, encouraged by the wet
                                                                                                                      and flooded areas in and around Souls Moor. The
            Provided   advice   and                                                                                  Green  Sandpiper  is  a  fairly  rare  winter  visitor,  with
             support  to  11,000  people                                                                              less than a 1,000 visiting the British Isles each year -
             affected by scams                                                                                        so, a great spot. It is a rather elegant wader and is
                                                                                                                      called  ‘green’  because  of  its  blackish  top  which
            F o u n d    o v e r    3 ,0 0 0
             businesses   that   were                                                                                 has  a  green  tinge  while  its  underparts  are  pale  –
             supplying  food  that  was                                                                               see  photo.  It  is  about  8  inches  /  20cm  long  and
             mi s-described,    had                                                                                   tends  to  be  seen  at  freshwater  marshes  and
             undeclared    allergens,                                                       apparently has a liking for watercress beds.
             c o n t a i n e d    i l l e g a l                                             A number of people have reported seeing a Goldcrest, both in their gardens and
             ingredients,   or   was                                                        along the stream. It is the UK’s smallest bird and as its name suggests it sports a
             involved in food fraud                                                         gold crown to its head. Other than the gold crown, the bird is generally an olive
                                                                                            green  colour.  The  numbers  of  resident  birds  are  boosted  by  winter  migrants.
            Tested 6,000 retailers and found a quarter illegally selling alcohol, tobacco
                                                                                            Despite its small size the female can lay up to 12 eggs weighing one and a half its
             and knives
                                                                                            own body weight.
            Detained over 20 million illegal products including tobacco, toys, cosmetics
             and electrical products, some of which could have caused life changing         Let us know of your wildlife sightings.
       Dorset Council Trading Standards are always keen to speak and work with local        Trees and Mycorrhizae
       business in flexible ways to offer advice and support to get things right. We put a   There is an interesting aspect relating to the health of our trees, particularly Oaks.
       lot of effort into supporting business in this way from home start-ups to established   This is the presence of fungi called Mycorrhizae that are present in the soil and
       national  companies.  Trading  Standards  have  a  dedicated  animal  health  team

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