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June 2022                             June 2022

 Saturday 4  June – The Jubilee Street Party will be held in West Street from 3pm.   BERE REGIS
 Please bring your own tables and chairs and a picnic. The pubs and shop have
 agreed  to  stay  open  should  you  run  out  of  anything  and  there  will  be  free   SURGERY NEWS
 entertainment throughout the day.
 Sunday  5   June  –  A  Songs  of  Praise  Service  will  be  held  at  St  John  the  Baptist   Platinum Jubilee
 Church at 10.30am. From 2.30pm until 7.30pm there will be a 1950s Sports Day for
 children of all ages at the Sports Club. Bring along a picnic and the Sports Club   Surgery opening hours
 bar   will   be   open   The Practice will be closed Thursday 2 June
 throughout the event.       and Friday 3 June all day.

 Throughout  the  whole  of   If  you  have  a  medical  problem  which  cannot  wait  until  we  open  again  on
 the  four  days,  there  will   Monday 6 June, please phone 111.
 be a Festival Exhibition in
 St   John   the   Baptist   If you have a medical emergency, phone 999
 Church   of   flowers,
 photography,   quilts,   Dispensary
 crafts,  art  and  poetry.
 Light refreshments will be   Patients who are due to collect their medication whilst we are closed on 2  and
 available every day from   3  June can collect their medication on Wednesday 1  June.  To enable our staff
 11am until 3pm.   to cope with the increased collection demand we will open from 08.00 – 12.00
        and 14.00 – 18.00 on this day only.

 Commemorative Mugs   Please don’t come to collect your medication if it’s not due as it won’t be ready
        for you.
 These are now available to order and forms are available in the magazine, on the
 Parish Council website, in the Nisa Shop, the Royal Oak and the Drax Arms and,   Thank you and enjoy the bank holiday!
 by the time you read this, should have also been distributed to every house in the
 parish.   Ordering your medication
 Every child under the age of 16 is eligible for a free mug but we will need you to   We  would  like  to encourage our  patients  to  only  order  medication  needed  for
 complete a form to nominate them. The forms can either be emailed to the Clerk   the current month and to not order medication you have a supply of at home.
 or  posted  into  the  Parish  Council  post  box  on  the  wall  by  the  shop.  Additional   This is to minimise waste and to ensure the medication you are taking is in date.
 mugs are available at a minimum donation of £5. Please complete the relevant
 section of the form to order your mugs.     There are many ways you can order your medication:

        via  the  NHS  app,  by  e-mail,  via  our  website  (you  will  need  to  come  to  the
 Next Meeting   Practice  with  identification  to  set  this  up),  by  completing  your  repeat  slip  and
        either posting or popping in our letterbox.
 The next meeting will be held on Thursday 9  June 2022, commencing 7pm at the
 Drax Hall. If you wish to have an item added to the agenda for discussion, please   If any of the options above are a problem for you, please contact the Dispensary
 contact the Clerk or a member of the Parish Council by the end of May.    team for help and advice
 Bryan Benjafield   We  realise  this  is  a  big  change  for  some  patients  and  we  appreciate  your
        understanding whilst the transition takes place

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