Page 62 - br-june-2022
P. 62

June 2022                             June 2022

 BERE REGIS NEWS   gardener at manor house. Unfortunately his wife was not a well person and rarely
       went out.  As a result Jock had to visit the pub some four miles away by himself
       each Friday night.  Jock was not a heavy drinker but he loved being in company
 BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL   and so he remained until closing time each week..
       One Friday it was his wife’s birthday and Jock insisted that she should go with him.
       On  this  evening  the  heavens  had  opened  and  the  rain  was  pouring  down.
 Chairman:         07900 906278   Although Betty was not completely happy she did not want to upset Jock. So she
 Mathers   joined him as usual to be last to leave the pub As soon as they left the doors were
       locked and Jock and Betty were out in the pouring with no shelter and with no
 Vice   Bryan   07969 770890    covered area outside the pub.
 Chairman:  Benjafield   Jock unlocked his car and they both got in. He turned the key but the car would
       not  start.  There  was  no  one  about  so  they  both  had  to  get  out  to  push  in  the
 Parish   Amanda   07855 396073   pouring rain. Everyone locally knew that there was no response to knocking the
 Clerk:     Crocker   pub doors. So they had no choice. They both got out in the pouring rain to push.
       Luckily there was a slope in the car park and it was reasonably easy to start. So
 Websites:    Jock closed his door and drove slowly home in the pouring rain
       About forty yards from their house Jock had to stop because  the gate across the
 The Parish Council met on Thursday 12  May 2022 in the Drax Hall for our Annual   lane had been shut. Cattle had obviously been moved into the land next to the
 Parish  Meeting  and  AGM.  One  member  of  the  public  was  present.  The  next   cottages.  Birthdays were very special for Betty but despite this and the bucketfuls
 meeting will be held on Thursday 9  June 2022. Members of the press and public   of rain falling, Jock thought she would do the right thing and open it herself as it
 are welcome and there is a period for public participation at the start. If you are   was her birthday. But when he looked across she wasn’t there.
 unable to attend but wish to submit a comment or question, please contact the   She was still at the pub.
 Clerk or any member of the Parish Council.
                                              Jock was tired it was still pouring, so
 A  copy  of  the  Chairman’s  Annual  Report  is  available  on  the  Parish  Council   after  turning  round,  he  slowly  drove
 website and following.                       back  to  the  pub.  When  he  arrived
                                              back, he found Betty standing in the

                                              pouring  rain  in  the  car  park  where
 Our thanks to Ian Ventham                    there  was  no  cover  and  the  pub
 Having  stepped  down  in  his  role         closed up for the night
 as Chairman 12 months ago, and               It was not a good end to his birthday
 agreed to stay on the council for            treat  for  Betty  and  certainly  not  a
 a  further  year  to  assist  with  the      great  many  good  days  and  nights
 transition to a new Chairman and             for him to come,
 the  continuation  of  certain
 projects,                                    Good night to you all and God Bless

 Councillor Ian Ventham has now               And  May  All  Those  in  The  Ukraine
 stood down in his role as a Parish           Receive God’s Blessing
 Councillor.  We  are  incredibly
 grateful  to  Ian  for  all  of  his  hard                             Ted Cox
 work,  tireless  dedication  and
 unwavering  service  over  the  last
 17  years  in  his  role  as  both  a

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