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June 2022                             June 2022

 decades  of  services  in  this  Jubilee  year,  which  met  with  unanimous  approval   Next month the first Thursday club is meeting on the second Thursday to avoid the
 across the House. I hope that during this month, that you are all able to celebrate   Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday. The meeting will take place on Thursday
 the Platinum Jubilee in some way with friends and family. God Save the Queen!   9  June.  We are still in Jubilee Celebration mood and we have tony Bates and
       Ian Ventham who are putting together a Bere Regis Jubilee Review Presentation.
 It  will  be  another  busy  session  of  Parliament  in  Westminster,  but  as  always  I  am   This will include a look back at some old pictures and records of Jubilees in Bere
 continuing my surgeries, so please do get in touch if you need support.  You can   Regis  in  the  past,  along  with  photographs  of  all  the  events  including  the  Arts
 contact me via email or call my office on   Festival Street parties and events this year.  Our members do not need to worry
 01202 624216. I send out a regular email update – you can sign up on my website   about  getting  to  all  events  this  year  as  you  can  catch  up  at  our  meeting  next where you can also find links to information such as   month.  Hopefully this presentation will provide a useful record of life in our village
 COVID-19 vaccinations updates, energy price advice and how   as it may be some time before there is another Jubilee.  It is the nearest thing we
 local people can help Ukrainian refugees.   get to celebrate a National day.
       In  July  we  are  back  to  our  normal  day  Thursday  7   July  when  we  have  Tim
       Colquhoun giving us a talk and presentation on the Coastwatch service.  Once
       again there will be  tea.  If anyone wants to know about the first Thursday Club
       please  contact  Sylvia  Bayliss  01929  471697  email  or
       myself Susan Stone on 01929 472083 or email

 Michael Tomlinson MP   
 holds regular surgeries
 in the constituency.  For     01202 624216   MORE THAN A MOVIE
 details of forthcoming   
 surgeries or to make an
 appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP   Come  and  celebrate  the  Queen's  Jubilee
 contact his office.   with  this  lovely  film,  made  25  years  ago,
       starring the wonderful Judy Dench and Billy
       Connolly.  Courtesy  of  Milborne  St  Andrew
       Village  Hall  it'sfree  admission,  but  you  pay
       for the bar.
       This  is  what  the  critics'  site,  Rotten
       Tomatoes,  says:  Thanks  to  top  notch
       acting, the chemistry between its stars, and
       a   witty,   thoughtful   script,   Mrs.
       Brown    delivers   a   nuanced   and
       entertaining, if not entirely factual, account
       of   a   seldom   explored   historical

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