Page 56 - br-june-2022
P. 56

June 2022                             June 2022

 So far, the main event in the coming year looks to be the Parish Platinum Jubilee
 Celebrations in early June. Things are beginning to move on the employment site   So this is Summer in Britain   So this is Summer in Britain –
 at North Street and  planning applications are expected for the Back Lane and      The sweet scent of flowers in the air;
 North  Street  development  sites.  The  NP  Review  is  due  to  be  submitted  to  an   So this is Summer in Britain –   Holidaymakers arriving –
 external examiner for review prior to going out to consultation, and we continue   Blue skies with clouds floating
 to  look  at  options  for  a  common  land  swap  so  we  can  move  on  with  the   Softly, like cotton wool –   Soon suntanned, with never a care.
 Community Hall. There is a considerable amount of work to be done around the   While people are cycling or boating.     So this is Summer in Britain –
 allotments, and tree surveys will be undertaken here and at the cemetery.
                                            Robins fledged, flown from the nest;
 My  thanks  are  extended  to  all  my  fellow  councillors  for  their  help  and  support   Thousands  of  people  flock  to  the   The season of sunshine and plenty –
 through my first year in office.    beaches,
       Holidaymakers and day-trippers.      Surely one of Nature’s best.
 Moira Mathers, Chair, Bere Regis Parish Council               Eileen Richardson
       A  flotilla of  sail  boards, an  armada of
       Manned  by  jolly  crews  and  sun-
       tanned skippers.

       Glorious sunshine in the summer skies –
       The gardens a riot of colourful flowers.   It  is  with  great  sadness  that  I  have
       And everyone has a chance to enjoy   to  report  that  Eileen  passed  away
                                            last month.  Her poems have been
 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw   it   a  lovely  addition  to  the  parish
 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the   As we all laze away the sunny hours.   magazine for over two  years and I

 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more   Just to sit and breathe in the Summer –   am grateful to her daughter Lesley
                                            for sending these in each month.
 advertising revenue!!   The scent of blossoms in the air;
       The  sweet  perfume  of  alyssum  and   Lesley  tells  me  there  are  many
       stock –                              more, so we shall still be blessed to
       The  fragrance  of  magnolia,  soft  and   receive  Eileen’s  posthumous

       fair.                                contributions  in  the  months  to
       Just to sit and take in the Summer –
       The  beauty  of  flowers  in  brightest   Our  deepest  condolences  go  to
       shades;                              Lesley  and  the  rest  of  the  family.
       Of petunia, geranium and godetia –   Rest in Peace, Eileen.
       Each colour so perfect before it fades.                              Ed.

       Just to sit and enjoy the Summer –
       With birdsong to keep me company;
       In  a  garden  away  from  the  bustling
       crowds –
       In  tune  with  Nature  –  Summer

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