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June 2022                                                                           June 2022
                                                                                            Councillor  and  Chairman,  with  many  hugely  important  projects  for  the  Village
       OVER THE HILL                                                                        happening during his tenure, such as the purchase of both the land for the new
                                                                                            school and Souls’ Moor, the new play park, the completion of our Neighbourhood
                                                                                            Plan,  the  improvements  made  to  the  boardwalk,  Elder  Road  Open  Space  and
       It seems so long ago that I wrote my last article for the Parish Magazine but I have   footpaths, and the introduction of the Lengthsman Scheme, to name just a few.
       decided  that  I  must  not  give  up,  when  there  is  so  much    to  tell.  I  must  start   Chairman  Moira  Mathers  presented  a  handmade  wooden  plaque  to  Ian  as  a
       discussing what is happening in the countryside today. Last time I had something     small  gesture  of  our  appreciation,  and  we  all  hope  he  enjoys  some  newly
       to write about was two months ago and then we were in a very warm dry spell for      discovered spare time!
       the time of year.

                                            The  wildlife  was  having  a  wonderful
                                            time,  especially  the  wild  flowers  and      Re-Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
                                            grasses.  The wild violets growing in the       Councillor Mathers agreed to stand as Chairman for another year and Councillor
                                            cracks between the layers of concrete           Benjafield  agreed  to  stand  as  Vice-Chairman  for  another  year  and  both  were
                                            in  front  of  the  house  were  blooming.      unanimously approved by the Council.
                                            They  made  their  first  appearance  last
                                            year  and  have  now  put  in
                                            appearances  in  nearby  flower  beds           New Councillor Vacancy
                                            and along the edges of the path to the
                                            house.  These  are  sweet  violets  (viola      We  now  have  a  vacancy  for  a  new  Parish  Councillor,  if  you  are  interested  in
                                            odorata)  Where  they  came  from               joining, please contact the Clerk on for an application
                                            goodness  knows  but  they  have  been          form.
                                            flowering  all  of  the  winter  in  a  very
       casual way but now there is an abundance of leaves and flowers.
                                                                                            Platinum Jubilee events
       This of course reminds me of my early years when as a youngster , five years plus, I
       spent many an afternoon with my grandmother visiting the local woodland to find      Here is a reminder of the events we have on over the 4-day celebration of the
       the  first  primroses,  bluebells,  violets  and  the  various  wild  orchids  of  the  South   Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
       Downs. Of course this would not be legal today but we certainly enjoyed our time     Thursday  2   June  –  ‘Wild
       in the rural countryside.                                                            W o o d b u r y ’    W a l k s
       Walking often alone up to my late teens, I collected numerous books concerning       organised   by   Dorset
       the countryside and eventually farming, where my career was to be .spent as a        Wildlife  Trust  will  take
       farm and estate manager.                                                             place  at  10.30am  and
                                                                                            1.30pm.  Hog  Roast,  bar
       I  met  some  wonderful  people  in  my  country  style  life  In  my  early  retirement,   and  ice  creams  at  the
       Madge and I moved to the hamlet of Woodcutts on the Cranborne Chase, some            Scout  Hut from  7.30pm to
       two  miles  north  of  Sixpenny  Handley,  Here  I  had  the  great  time  walking  the   9 . 1 5 p m ,    w i t h
       plentiful supplies of different habitats on a basically chalk terrain, similar to those I   entertainment   from
       had grown up on. I certainly had the privilege of meeting some wonderful, great      Adams    Axemen.    The
       countryside characters.                                                              beacon will be lit on Souls
                                                                                            Moor  as  part  of  the
       Wynn was a great person to meet, she was a widow in her eighties and had an          National  Beacon  Lighting  by  Deputy  Lord  Lieutenant  Sally  Cadec  at  9.45pm,
       enormous  garden growing both  flowers  and  vegetables  ,  producing  more than     accompanied by a Scout Colour Party.
       she could use or give away to her married daughter. We obviously benefitted too.
                                                                                            Friday  3   June  –  ‘Wild  Woodbury’  Walks  organised  by  Dorset  Wildlife  Trust  will
       But Wynn had a wonderful neighbour too. His name was Jock, which should make         again  take  place  at  10.30am  and  1.30pm.  At  6pm  there  will  be  the  Bere  Regis
       it  obvious  where  he  had  come  from.  Jock  had  finished  to  retirement  as  a   Duck Race, organised by the Scouts, with a BBQ and bar at the Scout Hut.

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