Page 55 - br-june-2022
P. 55

June 2022                                                                           June 2022

       The Queen in China ‘86

       In China there was a warm welcome for the
       The first reigning British monarch China had seen.
       As she stepped from her plane after a 17 hour
       The Queen dressed in yellow looked happy and

       Next day a Royal salute boomed from 21 guns,
       Then a glimpse of Oriental splendour that stuns!
       A well rehearsed band the National Anthem
       The Queen was formally greeted and history was

       The Temple of Heaven, then a banquet in glittering
       Next day a visit to the Great Wall – bound to
       Little children, so delighted to dance for her and
       Will surely linger in her memories of Beijing.

       Over a thousand young voices sang a Shanghai
       In a colourful ceremony – a dazzling meeting.
       A walkabout to follow, in a Willow Pattern scene,
       Before a Britannic banquet, given by the Queen.

       She saw the tomb of Emperor Qin, in a pit so immense,
       Attended by 8000 warriors of clay for his defence.
       Then travelled on again to the City of Eternal Spring,
       Where flowers always blossom and birds always sing.

       To the seat of Celestial Heaven to sip Jasmine tea,
       And at Canton one million faces in a human sea.
       The Queen was warmly welcomed, and a good impression made –
       Sino-British relations were improved by the part she played.

                                                                Eileen Richardson

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