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June 2022                                                                           June 2022

       AUTUMN LEAVES FIRST                                                                  DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT
       THURSDAY CLUB                                                                        Apologies but illness has prevented me

                                                                                            from producing the usual report.
       Our  meeting  in  May  was  again  well  attended  with
       many  of  the  Old  autumn  Leaves  turning  up.    Our                              Annual Council Meeting
       members    enjoyed   a   fabulous   slide   show   of
       Photographs  of  Mays  Wood,  trees,  insects  and flowers                           The annual Council meeting was held
       by Linda Lamon.  Dealing with the history of the Wood it was fascinating to see      at  County  Hall  on  Thursday  12   May
       the old pictures of the fields being harvested for the last time and the pictures of   was  held  without  any  disruption  but
       the tree planting and the early growth of the young trees in the early years to the   with  Climate  Change  protesters
       current position nearly ten years on.                                                congregating  outside.  Following  the
                                                                                            disruption  in  the  chamber  last  month
                                Linda  then  showed  us  some  of  her  photographs  of     there was much strengthened security to prevent any repeat of the events which
                                bluebells  taken  at  dawn  on  Blackhill.    Most  of  us   led to the suspension and curtailment of the proceedings. Both Laura and I retain
                                haven’t  got  the  motivation  to  crawl  out  of  bed  at   our positions within Dorset Council.
                                4.30 am  to  do this  or  to even do it  later in the  day.
                                We  are  very  lucky  in  this  village  to  have  some
                                wonderful  photographers  who  regularly  post  on          Surgery
                                Facebook,  so  that  those  of  us,  who  are  finding
                                getting  up  there  impossible  ,  can  still  enjoy  our   We  are  not  (yet)  holding  face  to  face  meetings  for  the  moment.  However,  we
                                wonderful surroundings.  Linda set some of these slide      would be more than delighted to talk to you on the telephone or via Zoom. Please
                                shows  to  her  own  soundtrack  from  her  recently        ring or email us with some details so that we can prepare ourselves. Peter’s email
                                released  albums    and  sang  some  of  these  songs.      address  is  telephone  07986  600799  and  Laura’s  is
                                After the show our members enjoyed tea, with cakes  telephone 07814 569563
                                and  sausage  rolls.    What  I  enjoy  most  is  seeing  our                 Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
       members just chatting and laughing just being together.

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