Page 56 - br-june-2021
P. 56

June 2021


         “I  would  like to nominate  you as  an  Olympic
         torchbearer  Bob.  Are you up for  it?”  My friend
         Adrian Stuart whom I had known for many years
         and who had been our club treasurer was asking
         the question  one day  last summer.  “Of  course  I
         would Adrian. I’d love it!

         Imagine,  carrying the torch and  being albeit  a
         small part in making history. It would never come
         around again in my   lifetime  and  for  a short
         period of time I would be part of it!
         The nomination was  made and    I  gave it  no
         further  thought.  Surely  with all those worthy
         people to select from,  there would  be only a
         small chance that I would get chosen? And then
         it happened.  An  email from  the London 2012
         Torch relay  team  told  me that  I  was  now  on  a shortlist  of  28,000 people  (some
         shortlist!)  from  which 2012  of  the 8,000 torchbearers would  be selected.  My
         nomination would  be reviewed  by one of  12  regional  panels and I  would  hear
         from them in early December whether I had been offered a place.
         My excitement was building but it was still only a 1 in 14 chance and again there
         must be others with a greater claim than mine? Then in early December I got a
         further  email telling me that  I  had  been given a conditional offer  of  a place.
         Fantastic!  Security  checks  on my  past  would  be  needed  so would  the  speeding
         fine I picked up in 2001 count?
         In  the  middle of  March  confirmation came  that  I  had  a place in the  Olympic
         torch relay and my “Moment to Shine”. I was to keep the news to myself over the
         weekend until the official launch on the Monday.
         Interviews with the local press and radio followed and the word spread amongst
         my many friends in the local community, but where would I be running? My hope
         was  that  it would  be  at Puddletown  near where so  many  people  knew me and
         would turn out to cheer me on.
         In early May I was told that Abbotsbury was to be the place on Thursday 12 . July,
         a good  half  hours drive  away.  Looking  at the  list it  struck me  that  no one had
         really  sat  down  with  a map  and made a real  effort  to place runners  in  their
         immediate locality.  I  know  it  would  be  a logistical challenge  and  you cannot
         please all of the people all of the time, but there seemed no logic to some of the
         placings. When I met other local torchbearers on the beach at Weymouth for a
         publicity shoot a few weeks later, there was a young man from Portsmouth who
         was down to run in Weymouth!

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