Page 22 - br-june-2021
P. 22

June 2021

         Digital arts programme

         Thanks to  funding from  Arts Council England  and  a National Lottery  Project
         Grant to develop libraries as cultural hubs, Dorset Library Service is to run a digital
         arts  programme  for young people and     adults. Working with The   Arts
         Development Company,    the focus  will be on celebrating diversity with  a
         selection of  artists.  There will be bespoke events for specific  community  groups,
         including  adults living with  dementia.  Activities  will also  support  mental health in
         young  people.  The  range  of  activities will include  author events,  music,  arts,
         poetry,  and  dance  linked  to  national celebrations  such as  National Poetry Day,
         Black  History.  All events  and  booking information will  be available at

         Helping the Deaf – a good news story
         When profoundly Deaf Bridport resident John Phillips received a free smartphone
         from Dorset Council, he had no idea just how much it would transform his life. The
         76-year-old  received  the gift  on Christmas  Eve,  as  part of  the council’s drive to
         help digitally  connect people in need  By  then John,  whose only method  of
         communication is sign language,  had  spent nine  months in lockdown  isolation,
         had  very little contact with
         people and    was  feeling
         very low.  With support from
         Millbrook Healthcare’s Sight
         and    Hearing  team   in
         Dorchester,  John  started  to
         use   his  smartphone  to
         communicate with  people
         and  it  changed  his  life.  He
         said  “The  best part  has
         been contacting my friends
         again    via   WhatsApp
         because I  had  no  contact
         with  them  for  so long.  I’ve
         b e e n     a b l e   t o
         communicate with  my  oldest friend  of  45  years  for  the first  time  in  more  than a
         year. We send each other videos and messages and it’s been wonderful.”
         John is one  of  50 people  in  Dorset  who have received,  or will receive,  a free
         tablet or smartphone thanks to Dorset Council teaming up with the Good Things
         Foundation charity.
         Twenty  of  those  devices  are  currently being distributed  to people in  the  county
         who have learning disabilities.

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