Page 63 - br-june-2020
P. 63

June 2020                             June 2020

 BERE REGIS WI                I  missed  going  to  church  at  Easter  to  do  the  flower
                              arranging  as  that  is  another  good  source  of  biscuits
                              when the arrangers stop for coffee. My owner took part
 Although  we’ve  entered  the  first  stage  of   with the Bere Regis Floral Group making blue and green
 loosening  of  the  lockdown,  we’re  a  long  way   floral rings for the NHS.  The resulting arrangements were
 from  the  possibility  of  meeting  face-to-face   pictured  on  Facebook.    One  of  ours  was  put  on  the
 (although as I type this I’m looking forward to an   church  door  and  another  was  secured  to  the  door
 experimental  Virtual  WI  Afternoon  Tea  via  Zoom   knocker on our house.  There was a problem with this, as
 this afternoon). As mentioned in last month’s article, instead of the usual report on   every time the wind blew, it blew the arrangement and
 our activities, I’m going to take the opportunity to expand on some of the recent   banged  the  door  knocker.    I  would  leap  to  attention
 WI  campaigns,  this  month  focussing  on  the  5  Minutes  That  Matter  campaign,   doing  my  guard  dog  duty  barking  and  growling.    My
 which was launched in June 2019.   owner  would  open  the  door  and  there  would  be  no
                              one  there.  After  a few false  alarms  my  credibility  as a
 Cervical  screening  is  a  free   guard dog was being severely questioned.
    service  offered  by  the  NHS  to
 detect  abnormal  cells,  which   My owner depends on her zoom sessions and the Drax
 may be the precursor to cervical   virtual quiz for her social time.  Last week the quiz subject was pirates.  Participants
 cancer,  at  an  early  stage   had to dress up in fancy dress.  A garden Hat was sprayed dark purple with flower
 leading   to   more  effective   arranging spray paints.  Thick Black Wool was fashioned into a sort of wig under
 treatment. Women between the   the hat along with some black cardboard for an eye patch.  The effect, when
 ages  of  25  and  65  routinely   assembled with heavy eye make up and black
 receive invitations to have a test.   news  print  wrapped  round  her  teeth,  was
 The  screening  only  takes  five   alarming.    A  selfie  was  taken  and  emailed  to
 minutes  and  it  saves  around  5,000  lives  a  year.    Despite  this,  attendance  is   the quiz organizer and subsequently posted on
 currently at its lowest for a decade.  In response to this, the campaign seeks to   the Drax Arms Quiz facebook page.  Later that
 raise awareness of the importance of attending routine cervical screening, and to   evening she was wearing the whole outfit while
 support more women to make an informed decision about whether or not to take   captaining her team.  She was so engrossed in
 up their invitations.  It also calls on WI members to help make cervical screening   the  competition  she nearly  missed  the  weekly
 more accessible by tackling barriers to attendance.   clap for the NHS.  I heard everyone in the street
       and  had  to  bark  at  her  to  remind  her  it  was
 With  this  in  mind,  the  WI  will  soon  be  launching  a  study  to  investigate  these   time  to  go.    I  like  the  weekly  clap  it’s  very
 barriers, along with other issues such as personal attitudes towards the strategies
       exciting  all  the  people  in  the  street.    I  rush
 designed  to  improve  uptake.  This  survey  will  be  completely  anonymous  and  is
       around  and  can  muster  a  bark.    At  least  she
 open to all women over the age of 25, regardless of whether they have attended
       found  a  few  seconds  to  remove  the  hat  and
 cervical  screening  recently  or  at  all.  It is  hoped  that  by  gathering  this  valuable   wig and eye patch before going out to clap.
 data, the WI will be able to contribute to the effort to increase uptake of testing.   It was a successful evening as her team, “The
 To  register  your  interest  in  taking  part  in  the  screening,  go  to:  Six  Notions,”  came  in  second  having  good
       knowledge of pirates and airlines.
 If  you  would  like  to  know  more  about  the  campaign  and  discover  ways  to   The larder and the dresser have been tidied and the bookshelves (for the zoom
 participate,  you  can  download  a  copy  of  the  campaign  action  pack  at:   sessions).   She has now acquired both yeast and red lentils.  She has also bought
 m y w i . t h e w i . o r g . u k / _ _ d a t a / a s s e t s / p d f _ f i l e / 0 0 0 3 / 3 7 9 7 4 0 /  a book called the Tin Can Cook so she can use all the tins she has bought.  She
 WI_ActionPack_5Minutes.pdf.  The  pack  includes  information  on  cervical   made this pasta dish with sweet corn, tuna, pasta and mushroom soup.  It was
 screening itself and some ideas for spreading awareness of the issue. It also has   massive.    She  ate  this  concoction  for  two  meals  and  I  was  left  eating  the  left-
 step-by-step instruction on how to make calming sachets filled with dried flowers   overs.    The  tuna  was  ok  but  we  could  have  done  without  the  additional
 such  as  lavender.  Aimed  at  providing  an  awareness  tool  and  a  comforter  for
       mushrooms  and  red  pepper.    She  has  purchased  tinned  carrots  and  tinned

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