Page 64 - br-june-2020
P. 64

June 2020                                                                           June 2020

       potatoes.   I expect they will still be there long after this crisis and probably go out
       of date.  I just hope she doesn’t use them for dog food.  I like human left-overs but
       wasn’t keen on cauliflower cheese the other day.  My owner told me it was my
       dish as it was named after me.
       Last weekend Union Jack flags were hung out in the street and at 11.00 in the
       morning we were out in the street with everyone else.  No clapping just silence.
       No barking encouraged.  This was quite different remembering those who gave
       their lives in the Second World War.  Maybe in 75 years time there will be Covid 19
       memorials.   They will clap and wave rainbow flags full of hearts.
       Another exciting event was the WI zoom meeting.  My owner decided to try and
       see  how  hard  it  would  be  to  host  her  own  zoom  meeting.    After  a  couple  of
       practices and technical help nine ladies attended.  There they were all with cups
       of tea and cake looking into their computer screens.  They were discussing how to
       make face masks.  These are now being considered useful to wear in confined
       spaces to help prevent the spread of the virus.  I think it went well my owner was
       thrilled as it meant that she could see her friends catch up on the gossip have a
       laugh.    Not  the  same  as  going  to  a  meeting  but  for  me  I  quite  like  this  new
       meeting format as she does not go out and leave me at home alone
       She continues to cut the grass, and the bonfire is bigger.  She has not started on
       the Garden shed but maybe this will be done now the local authority recycling
       centre has reopened.  She has acquired courgettes, squash and tomato plants.
       The beans are growing but nothing has been planted out yet as there are frosts
       at night so we have this daily ritual of moving the vulnerable plants inside at night
       or covering them up.  Now the garden centres are open things will get easier.
       Oh no what is that smell, I know the smell of
       cooking   spiced   orange   and   apricot
       chutney.   I don’t know where she is going to
       put that.  The chutney cupboard is full.  There
       have  been  no  church  fetes,  or  gardening
       club, folk club meetings where she gets rid of
       it.    Well at least it will use some of the empty
       jam jar mountain.  Just lately with everyone
       else  clearing  out  their  cupboards  this  has
       increased in size
       We  have  just  received  a  bag  with  tea  and
       digestive biscuits from the Pop In.  Oh goodie
       I  hope  I  can  persuade  someone  to  let  me
       have  some.    I  am  very  partial  to  digestives.
       There  is  a  message  saying  “Better  days  are
       coming.”  Well I shall look forward to that.
                                    Jenny Stone

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