Page 58 - br-june-2020
P. 58

June 2020                                                                           June 2020

       DRAX HALL                                                                           DORSET TRADING STANDARDS

       While  we  are  unable  to  meet  at  the  hall  it  seemed  a                      Dorset Council Trading Standards Service check and approve
       perfect  opportunity  to  have  the  decorators  in  so  that                       businesses so you don’t have to.
       when we eventually get back it will be a new clean fresh                            For more information visit or
       environment.                                                                        call 08454 040506.
       We have done our best to brighten up the outside of the                             To report or seek advice about problems you have
       building  thanks  to  Jade  Hart  and  her  art  work  on  the                      experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.
       Also thanks to Liz and Mike Farley who are sorting out the                           Covid-19 and business closures
       flower  containers  and  Eileen  Spraklen  who  has  make  some  curtains  for  in  the
       Foyer.                                                                               When  the  Government  brought  in  new  business  closure  rules  alongside  social
                                                                                            distancing Local Authorities were given the responsibility to help ensure businesses
       The defibrillator  outside the hall is still available for use and is regularly checked.
                                                                                            complied with the new restrictions. Across Dorset, the Council’s Trading Standards
       We are aware that some organisations will have paid up front for a year rental,      team have led on this with regard to non-food businesses, working together with
       however it would be great to use this to help to pay the decorating cost and the     environmental health officer colleagues focussing on food business.
       other costs that we still need to pay out, but if you do need a refund please do let
       us know and we will pay you back.                                                    Trading  Standards  provides  trusted  and  tailored  advice  to  local  business  on  a
                                                                                            wide range of business law. That helps businesses to grow in Dorset, which in turn
                                                                                            improves our local economy. Consumers can be confident then too that Dorset
                                                                                            businesses trade in a fair and safe way. Being asked now to ensure many Dorset
                                                                                            businesses are closed during Covid-19 is not something that comes naturally to us.
                                                                                                                                            The   law   on   business
                                                     Dorchester                                                                             closure,   and    other
                                                                                                                                            measures    to   control
                                                        Framing                                                                             Corona    virus   spread,
                                                                                                                                            came  into  effect  very
                                                 Picture and framing service                                                                quickly.   The   Trading
                                                   with a wide selection of                                                                 S t a n d a r d s    t e a m
                                                     mounts and frames.                                                                     immediately    set   up
                                                                                                                                            processes  for  working  at
                                                  Open most days but best                                                                   home with all staff working
                                                  call first before making a                                                                in that way. Our advice to
                                                         special trip.                                                                      business  moved  to  phone
                                                                                                                                            conversations and email.
                                                                                            Not  all  businesses  have  had  to  close  and  there  have  understandably  been
                                                    The Old School House                    concerns and questions as to what the closure rules mean. Working closely with
                                                      Tincleton DT2 8QR                     environmental  health  colleagues  Trading  Standards  have  been  advising
                                                                                            businesses  on  the  new  closure  rules  as  they  have  developed.  Environmental
                                                     01305 848909                           health  officers  have  also  had  responsibility  for  advising  on  social  distancing
                                                                                            measures  within  certain  business  premises  that  are  still  legally  open  but  where
                                                                                            concerns have been highlighted.

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