Page 62 - br-june-2020
P. 62

June 2020                                                                           June 2020

        THE BERE REGIS SCRIBBLERS                                                          women feeling worried about attending a screening, we feel these will be equally
                                                                                           useful for easing lockdown stresses!

                                                                                           Sadly,  I  must  end  on  a  sombre  note.  It  is  with  deep  regret  that  we  this  month
        Dog Blog                                                                           heard the sad news that Sally Cheeseman, our longest serving member, passed
        Here I am trying to think of something to say.  It’s a bit                         away on 13 April 2020.  She will be sorely missed, and our thoughts and very best
                                                                                           wishes are with all her family and friends.
        like  the  beginning  of  one  of  my  owners  zoom
        meetings when everyone arrives, someone says “any                                  For details of future meetings, or further information about the WI, please contact
        news?”  and  there  is  an  awkward  silence.    No  one                           Di  Pitts on 01929 471322 or Moira Mathers on 07900 906278.  You can see more
        has  been  anywhere  or  done  anything  or  knows
                                                                                           about our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.
        anything  other  than  what  has  been  broadcast  on
        the news or the village Facebook site.  There are no
        plans,  nothing  to  look  forward  to.    It  takes  time  to
                                                                                           The following article is from Alison Bennett with some memories of Sally.
        think  of  anything  to  say  as  all  days  are  the  same.      They  always  get  the
        conversation  round  to  what  they  think  are  more  interesting  subjects  and  they
        start smuttlily telling jokes and giggling .  At their age you think they would have   Sally Cheeseman talks to the Bere Regis  Woman’s Institute
        grown out of all that.
                                                                                           on how she has kept the long family
                                            For I haven’t been anywhere in the car         tradition of smocking alive
                                            but I do fantasize how it would be nice
                                            to go to the beach or somewhere else           My  Mother  did  a  lot  of  smocking  her  name  was
                                            for a walk.  I’m not complaining as we         Rosalie  Andrews,  (Sally  holds  up  a  beautifully
                                            have the wonderful woods here full of          smocked  baby  romper  suit  in  white  with  a  blue
                                            bluebells  squirrels  birds  and  smells.    If  I   smocked  yoke)  and  says  “this  is  47  years  old  and
                                            was a town dog things would be very            belongs to Steven my son, there are lots of different
                                            different.                                     stitches  involved  in  smocking  there  is  the  rope,
                                                                                           chevron, feather stitching and waving diamond”
                                            As  a  collie  I  know  I  think  I am  smarter
                                            than  the  average  dog  but  there  are       Sally holds up another lovely sample this time a dress
                                            times  when  I  have  been  called  a          belonging  to  Andrea  Cheeseman  ,  she  recalls  “
                                            scruffy  dog.    I  am  losing  my  hair  this   Mother and I  did have an old hand sewing machine
                                            time of year and this means I have to          but we preferred to do everything by hand. We then
        be brushed and have the dreadlocks cut out of my tail and be dagged like a                                                     got
        sheep.      My  owner  has  always  been  too  mean  to  spend  money  on  a  dog                                              t o
        groomer  and  does  it  herself.      Sometimes  I  look  that  rough,  I  look  like  that                                    see  Sally’s  Mother  Rosalie’s
        sheepdog  in  the  Specsavers  advert,  the  one  where  the  Scottish  shepherd,                                              work this was beautiful, she had
        struggling with his eyesight takes his sheep clippers and uses them on his dog by                                              used the woodman’s stitch and
        mistake.                                                                                                                       made  a  milk  sop  a  kind  of
                                                                                                                                       smock  top  worn  be  people  in
        My  owner is  not  one known  for her  sartorial  elegance  but right  now  she  too is                                        years gone by to milk the cows
        looking rather shaggy, her hair blows everywhere in the wind and looks a mess.                                                 it  was  very  patched  with  the
        As she is going nowhere and no one comes round she cannot be bothered with                                                     amount  of    wear  it  had  seen
        her appearance. She wears no make up and worn out shabby un-ironed clothes.                                                    but  the  needle  craft  on  it  was
        I am embarrassed to be seen out with her.  The other day I watched her standing                                                exquisite.
        on tip toe in front of the mirror hacking away at her fringe.   She is no better at
        cutting her own hair than she is at mine.  At least my dog walker has acquired                                                 Sue  Skinner  nee  McDonald
        hair grips to keep her hair under control in the wind.

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