Page 65 - br-june-2020
P. 65

June 2020                             June 2020

       In your Dreams!
 SURGERY NEWS   I  have  never  in  my  whole  life  ever  suffered  from  insomnia.  People  tell  me  I’m
       lucky. I’ve never had to lay awake worrying about this or that and then worrying
 A huge thank you to all our patients for   because  I  can’t  fall  asleep.  I’ve  never  lain  awake  vexing  about  exams,
 being  so  understanding  and  for  your   relationships, careers, varicose veins or interest rates. No, once my head touches
 patience  during  this  difficult  time.  A   that pillow – gone! I can honestly say that all those medicinal preparations that
 huge  thank  you  is  also  extended  to  all   exist out there for others – I have no need of!
 the  Bere  Connect  volunteers  and  Susie
 who  are  helping  deliver  medication  to   Such sweet dreams for many years, so enjoyable, such adventures, pictures on
 patients who are unable to collect themselves.   my  pillow  that  are  surreal.  I  travelled  all  over  the  world,  floated  in  and  out  of
       situations  and  never  knowingly  became  terrified  with  nightmarish  situations.
 As  a  reminder,  the  medication  collection  point  is  at   Maybe I always subconsciously knew that I was dreaming.
 the window in the car park at the rear of the Practice.
 Collection times have been adjusted to 09.30 – 11.30   However, there is always a however, I woke up one morning after a restful night,
 each  morning,  15.30  –  17.30  each  afternoon  except   and as I went about my daily tasks, a picture of a man I had never seen before
 Wednesday when it is 14.00 – 15.30. This is due to our   popped into my head. I had no recollection of having seen him before, and as I
 wholesalers  delivering  once  a  day  instead  of  twice   busied  myself  there  he  was  every  few  minutes  –  a  bit  annoying  really  as  I  was
 and as a result to providing the Dispensary team with   trying to concentrate on icing a birthday cake.
 enough time to make up medication for the deliveries   Every  few  minutes  there  he  is.  I  just  can’t  place  him,  I  must  have  seen  him
 as well as for patients collecting from the Practice.    somewhere  before,  but  I  just  can’t  think  where.  How  strange  never  mind,  I  will

 Patients  attending  for  an  appointment  are  being   have to focus harder on what I’m doing and not wander. TV helps. Trouble is  –
 asked to ring the bell and wait for a clinician to come   he’s there almost all day - off and on.
 to the door.  The clinician will put on their protective   As  usual,  I  go  to  bed,  fall  asleep  with  ease,  and  guess  what  he’s  there  in  my
 clothing  before  coming  to  the  door  and  taking  your   dream. Let me describe him if I can. He hasn’t got a nightmarish scarred face or
 temperature before you enter the Practice.     anything,  no  fiendish  black  patch  over  his  eye,  just  an  ordinary  face,  average
 As  restrictions  are  amended  and  lifted,  we  will  be  putting  our  changes  on  our   build; he wears a raincoat and a trilby – looks a bit of a throwback, bit like Peter
 website  and  on  the  Bere  Regis  Village  Facebook  page.  We  will  endeavour  to   Sellars’ Inspector Cleuseau. Oh yes, he has a bit of a beak-like nose and generally
 provide you with as much notice as possible.    has a friendly countenance.
 If you have any comments or ideas, please let us know.   Every  night  now-  there  he  is!  I  would  just  like  to  know  what  part  of  my
       subconscious he’s come from. Whatever dream I’m having there he is. If you will,
 Stay safe!   picture a portrait landscape shape canvas - he tends to walk in from bottom left
       and faces me, like you would on a tv screen, and just stands there and smiles,
 Nicky Chivers
       occasionally  he  will  wave.  He  never  tries  to  participate  in  any  of  the  ongoing
       action,  the  dream  is  still running,  and  he  leaves  as  quickly  as he  arrives  like  an
       intruder  might  do.  He’s  my  dream  friend  I  suppose.  I  don’t  feel  frightened  or
       threatened in anyway. I just need to know who he is, is he a real person and why

       is he in my dream every night?
 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
       Despite consulting the many available theories on dream interpretations, I can’t
 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
       seem  to  find  an  explanation  that  suits  my  situation,  or  at  least  one  that  I  am
 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more   prepared to accept. As this guest appearance has been ongoing for some time
       now, and does not cause me anxiety, it is something I will have to accept and will
 advertising revenue!!   live with.

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