Page 59 - br-june-2020
P. 59

June 2020                             June 2020


 When I wrote the article for the May Magazine, it was    Beavers
 with the hope that better news would be forthcoming
 for  the  next  issue  but  sadly,  that  is  not  the  case  and   Beavers have continued to watch YouTube videos
 there is no relaxation of the lockdown rules for those of   of Turtle doing activities during the lockdown - we
 us over the magic cut-off line of “Three score years and   have  been  baking  cakes  and  scones,  making
 ten”.   bunting  for  VE  Day  celebrations,  finger  braiding,
       origami, throwing games and wildlife photography.
 Phil and I have spoken to, or left messages for all the members of the Club in the
 last  week  or  so,  and  I  am  glad  to  report  that  everybody  has  escaped  the   We took a look at heraldry and drew dragons for St. George's Day, and continue
 dreaded plague so far, and that they are being helped by many lovely people,   to work towards badges!  Another virtual sleepover is happening at the end of
 unless they are the ones doing the helping!   May, where we will all camp in our own gardens or house, with joint activities that
       we can all do separately.  These  are strange times, but I am proud of how the
 A  friend  has  sent  me  photocopies  of  the  Bere  Regis  Parish  Magazine  from
       Beavers  have  responded  with  energy,  kindness  and  enthusiasm  for  all  that
 November 1972.  The AUTUMN LEAVES report is as follows:
       lockdown life offers.  Well done Beavers, keep it up!
 “The  first  meeting  was  a  success  with  47  people  arriving  and  being
 welcomed  at  the  door  by  Mrs  Jeeves.    Dr  Boyd  kindly  declared  us   Turtle, Liz Teather, Beaver Scout Leader, 471216
 officially started, which was well photographed by Mr Day.
 Following Tea  and  refreshments  everyone had  a  piece  of cake,  which
 was kindly made by  Mrs Lewis’ sister.   A raffle was held and also other
 spontaneous prizes were given.  The last 15 minutes was given to a sing-  THE PARISH WAR MEMORIAL AND AN
 song  of  old  tunes  with  Mrs  Jeeves  playing  the  piano.    Please  note  all   UNRESOLVED MYSTERY (PART ONE)
 future meetings will now be held at the Youth Club Hut.”
       How  the  sacrifices  of  the  men  who  died  in  the  Great  War  were  to  be
 Those of you who are good at arithmetic will have now worked out that 1972 was   commemorated was  mentioned several times in the Parish  Magazine. In March
 48  years  ago,  so  our  49th  Birthday  Tea  as  shown  in  our  Calendar  is  a  little  bit   1919, for instance, the Vicar, the Reverend Montague Bere, (that his surname was
       the same as the Parish in which he officiated is pure co-incidence), who was still
 When  we  are  able  to  start  meeting  again,  I  will  make  sure  everybody  knows   serving abroad as a chaplain in the Army, wrote in the newsletter he sent home
 about it and I think we should have our usual tea and just let everyone catch up   each month:
 on their experiences of enforced confinement.  Following Kath’s death we have   “...what form is our parochial war memorial going to take? ...the more the matter
 been  given  her  photograph  albums  of  Autumn  Leaves  and  the  Woodbury  Hill   is discussed and talked over, before any formal meeting is held, the better. I have
 Singers, which I will bring for everyone to see.
       heard that  one  idea,  popular  at  Bere  Regis,  is to  complete the  Vestry  screen...
 I look forward to that day and send best wishes to all.   Panels could be placed in the new part with the names of the fallen, or perhaps
       of all parishioners who have served, though I think it would be difficult to settle in
 SDB   some cases, who is or is not a parishioner.
 We  are  very  saddened  to  hear  of  the  sudden  death  of  our  Dear  Friend  Sally   On the other hand, some may advocate an outdoor memorial. Many of the men
 Cheeseman.  Her cheerful presence will be much missed by all of us.   who  have  served  in  France  would,  I  expect,  like  the  idea  of  an  out-of-door
       A  few  weeks  ago  I  was  talking  to  a  Major  in  the  Hospital  with  me,  about  the
       subject,  and  he  said  ‘why  don’t  you  put  up  a  Mens’  Club,  a  Y.M.C.A.  or

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