Page 26 - br-june-2020
P. 26

June 2020                                                                           June 2020

                      BERE REGIS NEWS                                                                                          to  Weymouth.    A  shared  interest  in
                                                                                                                               flowers  embraces  keen  competitors,
                                                                                                                               members  who  just  like  to  do  church
                                                                                                                               flowers or flowers for their own pleasure,
                                                                                                                               and  also  members  who  just  like  to  sit
                                                                                                                               and  simply  watch  an  entertaining
                                                                                                                               demonstration each month.
       Chairman:          Ian Ventham     471480
                                                                                                                               Our  usual  demonstrators  come  from
                                                                                                                               Dorset, Devon, Hampshire and Somerset
       Vice Chairman:     Bryan Benjafield    07969                                          and  Wiltshire,  but  quite  often  we  give
                                          770890                                                                               ourselves  a  treat  with  a  national

                                                                                                                               demonstrator  from  further  afield.    The
       Parish Clerk:      Amanda          472327                                                 demonstrators   focus   on   providing   an
                                                                                                                        entertainment,  but  it  is  surprising  what  you
                                                                                                                        absorb and learn from their talented work.  There
                                                                                                                        are  also  occasional  workshops  with  various
                                                                                                                        Fun, friendship and flowers is an alliteration that
        The Parish Council met remotely via Zoom on Thursday 14th May 2020. 2 members                                   just about sums it all up, I think.  I have been a
        of the public joined the meeting. The next meeting will be on Thursday 11  June,                                member  of  Bere  Regis  Floral  Group  for  forty
        again remotely. If you wish to join the meeting, or wish to send a question in to be                            years.  Like so many people, I always thought I’d
        read out, please contact the clerk beforehand.                                                                  love  to  learn  how  to  arrange  flowers  but  with
                                                                                                                        young children, I had not got around to it.  Then

                                                                                                                        our  younger  daughter,  Miranda  started  Bere
        Rowlands Wait                                                                                                   Regis School.  She had to write about her family

        The  Parish  Council  discussed  the  work  being                                  for the newsbook.  Colourful wax crayon drawings of us were accompanied by
        carried  out  at  Rowlands  Wait  Caravan  Park  to                                descriptions  of  our  interests.  Dad’s  were  swimming,  water  polo,  badminton,
        convert it to a Park Home under a Certificate of                                   squash…..Mum had two pastimes listed  –  booze and going out!  So you see, I
        Lawfulness  issued  by  Dorset  Council.  We  had                                  had to get a respectable hobby fast for the newsbook! I joined the flower club.
        some weeks previously expressed our concerns to                                    Seriously though, those forty years have brought me immeasurable joy and fun
        Dorset Council about the legality of the work, the                                 and friendships that I treasure enormously. Like Joan, I never tire of competition
        damage to trees and shrubs and the proximity of
                                                                                           work and this has taken me all over the country to the national competitions and
        this work to the Black Hill SSSI. A tripartite meeting
                                                                                           to Chelsea and Malvern RHS shows for many years.
        had  taken  place  about  a  month  ago  between
        the Planners, Natural England and the Dorset Tree                                  If you love flowers, gardening and art and design, the club will appeal to you.
        Officer,  Graham  Cox,    after  which  we  were                                   Our  demonstrators  always  say  that  they  love  coming  to  Bere  Regis  because
        informed  that  the  laying  of  concrete  slabs  as                               everyone is so friendly.
        bases  for  park  homes  was  not  subject  to  a
                                                                                           There is a plan afoot for the club to arrange some classes for beginners.  We have
        Planning  Consent  and  that  the  work  being
                                                                                           not had time to discuss this as a committee before the lockdown overtook us, but
        carried out was lawful. Concerning the damage
                                                                                           some finance is to be made available from the Dorset and Guernsey Area for this.
        to  hedges  and  felling  of  trees,  just  today  (14
        May),  we  had  finally  heard  back  from  Jenny  Key  on  behalf  of  Graham  Cox,   If  you  think  you  might  be  interested  in  these  classes,  or  simply  joining  the  club,
        explaining that action had not so far been possible as officers, on safety grounds,   contact our secretary Sheila Cox on
        were not permitted to undertake a site visit, but that they might be able to do so                              Diana Holman, President, Bere Regis Floral Group

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