Page 21 - br-june-2020
P. 21

June 2020                             June 2020

 KINGSBERE QUILTERS   which  takes  place  at  the
       moment.  There  will  be  a
       g u i d a n c e    d o c u m e n t
 What do quilters do in a lockdown?  Well they don’t   available   for   all   staff
 quit quilting!   affected shortly.  We are not
       expecting  or  wanting  huge
 Like many other groups in the village we have now
 closed  down  temporarily.  To  date  we  have  now   numbers of staff to return to
 missed  two  meetings  and  a  workshop.  Fortunately   the offices at this stage.
 we  all  received instructions  for  our  next  project  by
       Homelessness and
 The  project  was  to  produce  the  Bargello  squares.   rough sleepers
 (Bargello  is  normally  associated  with  Florentine
       Since   the   start   of   the
 embroidery, but has been adapted to patchwork.
       outbreak,  our  housing  teams  have  helped  28  rough  sleepers  from  across  the
 Sewing  strips  of  fabric  together  and  cutting  and
       county into accommodation – this has, and continues to be, challenging and we
 reforming them to produce waves of colour) Lesson
 over!!   are  operating  as  a  multi-agency  response  to  the  situations  this  is  creating  on  a
       daily  basis.    In  addition,  the  team  have  also  housed  more  than  120  homeless
 Instead  of  our  normal  show  and  tell  session  in  the   households  in  temporary  accommodation  and  will  continue  to  support  these
 group  meeting  we  have  been  able  to  do  this  by   people into more permanent accommodation as the lockdown restrictions ease.
 email as well. However it is definitely not the same

 as meeting your fellow members and sharing ideas
 and news, as you will all know.   Business Grants
 Many  of  our  members  have  been  busy  making   As of the middle of May Dorset Council made 7,462 grant payments to businesses
 items  for  the  NHS  and  similar  organisations.  These   in  the  Dorset  Council  area  totalling  £89m.  Dorset  Council  have  paid  92%  of  the
 have  included  masks,  aprons,  scrubs  and  laundry   grant claims we have received – meaning at the time of writing we have 629 that
 bags.    Also  a  few  of  the  members  who  live  in  the   are either currently approved and awaiting the next payment run, or undergoing
 village are working on producing a colourful piece   validation  or  they  have  just  landed!  And  we  have  received  a  moderate  but
 for the Children’s Corner in the Church.   noticeable increase in the number of claims since last week’s letters to businesses
       who had not yet made a claim.
 In  the  past  we  have  enjoyed  joining  the  flower
 arrangers in presenting events in the Church to raise   The  national  data  recently  released  shows  that  only  7  councils  out  of  314  have
 funds for both the Church and local charities. It will   made more payments than us and only 6 of the 314 have distributed more money
 be so nice when we can all do that again.   to their local businesses than us so far. We have received a total of 1,160 claims
       that  did  not  pass  our  validation/verification  processes,  so  while  we  might  have
 We all look forward to life returning to a new form of   been anxious about processing  volumes in the early days, this figure in particular
 normal  when  we  can  return  to  our  groups  and   proves that we were right not to relax our verification criteria and proceed with the
 organisations.   appropriate  validation  measures  in  place.  We  are  also  receiving  some  very
       positive – and very welcome - feedback from businesses that are grateful for the
 To  see  some  of  these  wonderful  works,  in  glorious
       funding and the way we have supported them.
 technicolour, log on to the village website and click
 the link at the top  -  June Parish Magazine.
       Minerals Plan

       In  all  the  furore  you  may  have  missed  the  Minerals  Site  plan  progress  which has
       been  5  years  in  the  making.  The  Plans  are  all  fully  adopted  now,  and  we  are

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